It must be even tougher to lead one if you are prone to being blatantly dishonest 'yourself' when it is more convenient than telling the painful truth and taking your lumps.
No matter what, Larry Brown has been CEO of NTM and then Ethnos360 since January 2007. Everything that happened during his tenure is 'his' responsibility.
Larry Brown may have inherited a simmering Child Abuse Scandal at NTM, but the way he and other Mission Executives dealt with that original scandal is going to be very painful to unwind.
Lying and deception made things even worse in the end. Documents and evidence we assembled and catalogued from public records along with numerous whistle-blowers (several of which we have spoken with) all combine to paint a very different picture of Ethnos360's long time CEO Larry Brown than his carefully groomed public persona suggests.
If Larry Brown has documents that 'dis-prove' his knowledge of what the rest of his board did right under his nose, then he can submit those for verification thru our "Prove Us Wrong".
ETP has simply scoured what he has written and done and then compare the results with the yardstick of Truth and Spiritual Principles. The uncensored record shows that Larry Brown often fails in both categories.
Ethnos360 Members and Supporters deserve men with actual integrity to lead them. Before you attack the messengers, please examine the totality of the evidence throughout this site and then hold Larry Brown to account.
The following historical detail contradicting what Larry wrote in his "Letter to Pastors" isn't as minor as it sounds on the surface! Looking through emails and statements over the years, this is an easy to compare example of how Larry and others of the Executive Leadership play fast and loose with what they present as facts, depending on the immediate audience.
We find that on certain subjects relating to Child Abuse Cover-ups at Ethnos360 Larry Brown has had another agenda not involving the truth!
Please read every word of the NTM Mk Abuse Survivors letter from 2019 we attached below this text which Survivors asked NTM to forward to the list of Supporting Pastors CEO Brown had grossly misled. (click the Next button to advance)
NTM refused to allow Mk's to correct the false record Larry had so skillfully planted.
Also important to note is that at least 2 of the 5 women highlighted in the February 7, 2019 Today Show segment had met 'personally' with NTM Chairman Brown and other NTM Executives back in 2008!
After months of empty promises from NTM and seeing no tangible results happening, in 2009 they formed a Blog on which resulted in a large number of MK's sending an open letter to NTM Executives titled "A Final Plea" which is also published on this site.
The Survivor's "Final Plea" letter to NTM written in 2009 states they (Child Abuse Survivors) “are not willing to wait another 12 years".
The 2019 Today Show (exactly 10 years later) barely scratched the surface of the 'betrayal' of NTM's Abuse Victim/Survivors under the direct oversight of Larry M Brown, who (in 2023) remains the CEO of Ethnos360.
Below is truth that Ethnos360 never wanted their Members and Supporters to see lest the entire Mission Leadership be purged. (with torches and pitchforks!?!)
Good question Larry!! Why 'did' you do everything in your power to avoid answering not only Lori McAlister but 100's of other NTM Child Abuse Survivors you repeatedly claimed to be helping?
...behind the scenes those two-faced Executive Leadership men were secretly still stonewalling and actively sabotaging the legal cases * of 100's of Sexual, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Abuse Survivors in what became a desperate conspiracy to protect the Mission Corporation from bankruptcy. (as if God Himself couldn't handle the fallout if they did what was right)
(*) There is a common mis-perception that since there were only three "Jane Doe" lawsuits filed against NTM, the number of Mk's who were abused is not that great. That is completely false. As is published on the Fanda Eagles Forum and other places, in addition to those court cases, there were an un-published number of Survivors who engaged with NTM in a "Mediation Process" which resulted in an equally unknown number of "Confidential Settlements" which the Ethnos Truth Project has been told included NDAs (gag orders) which prevented either side from disclosing the terms of settlement.
There were literally 100's of Survivors who were closely watching what transpired with their peers who dared to demand more than empty promises from NTM/Ethnos. Many have written that observing what their friends were put through in terms of financial and emotional distress became a severe deterrent to them, and seeing no viable option, the vast majority of Survivors gave up on ever seeing change let alone justice. There should be no doubt that NTM exploited this tactic to protect the NTM Corporation from liability.
Larry, the evidence shows that the immediate result of your string of deceptions was your own 'Moral Bankruptcy' as your pathetic (and perhaps even criminal?) actions to save a Corporation became your top priority without regard to the human and monetary cost. Was 'no' price too great for you and other Leadership to pay?
Chairman Brown and other NTM Executives became implicated in the cover-up of another Sex Abuse Scandal besides at NTM - this one at the Baptist Mission ABWE.
Clear back in 2011, our own Larry Brown advised his friend Michael Loftis, the embattled ABWE Mission President, on how to maintain control of the flow of information to keep the Sexual Abuse Scandal at ABWE from exploding with the resulting threat of victim lawsuits, which NTM also was fighting in and out of courts.
Larry is cited in testimony for his expertise in managing abuse scandals.
Below is the cover page of the ABWE Pii Report which was finally released in 2016. Larry Brown and other NTM Executives make their appearance on p254 and 255 which we have provided in the next panels.
Abused NTM Mk's demanded investigations, and G.R.A.C.E. delivered.
On page 254 of the ABWE Report below, NTM Executives are on record saying they lamented the fact that NTM had allowed G.R.A.C.E. to investigate Historical Child Abuse at NTM.
Much to NTM's horror, the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report had released the truth that top NTM Leadership personnel were directly culpable for trying to hide NTM Child Abuse Cases for years.
Pay close attention to the yellow highlighting and then in the pink you will learn the actual reason NTM disliked G.R.A.C.E.
You will notice from the testimony that Larry Brown wasn't interested in finding truth, it was all about NTM needing to control information!
To this day, both Attorney Sidebotham and Ethnos deny that she was ever "General Counsel" for NTM.
Ethnos and Sidebotham play word games to deny their long history.
We think a better question, which doesn't allow for any parsing of the meaning of job titles ,is to ask "when is the first day that Theresa Sidebotham ever provided legal counsel or legal services of any kind to NTM?"
Regardless of job titles, which are used as a distraction, Theresa Sidebotham has served as NTM/Ethnos Legal Counsel for many years, dating back long before NTM "installed" her into IHART at a very critical moment in 2014.
The Ethnos Truth Project thinks that the statement in the screenshot below, taken from the Ethnos360 website, is another deception using 'partial truths' to tell complete lies.
Ethnos doesn't want us to know that they hired an expert in defending organizations from Civil Lawsuits brought by Abuse Survivors to run the supposedly "independent" IHART Investigations for NTM.
This is an outrageous conflict of interest. No wonder 100's of NTM Child Abuse Survivors want nothing to do with a completely rigged "process" which only benefits “the corporation” and has been "investigating" for 12 years.
Why does Ethnos Leadership continually tell all of these lies-by-omission as though they will never be held to account?
In 2009, after enduring eight more months of NTM’s stonewalling since they'd met with CEO Larry Brown and other NTM Executives in 2008 at Sanford HQ, exasperated NTM Mk Child Abuse Survivors sent this "Final Plea" to appeal once again to the Executive Board at New Tribes Mission to do the right thing and follow up on their promises to come to an agreement to have an independent third party investigation into the Historical Child Abuse cases within NTM that had been covered up for so many years.
Below is an embarrassing part of that "Final Plea" from 2009.
A full 10 years of betrayal and broken promises later, in 2019 five of these NTM Child Abuse Survivors went on National TV on the MSNBC Today Show to make their cause public and hopefully to shame those same Executives who were smugly continuing the Cover-ups of past Child Abuse Cover-ups that they steadfastly continue to insist are all in the distant past.
Executives knew, and yet they have failed to fully acknowledge the total extent of abuse cases let alone keep their solemn promises from 2008 to do everything possible to help Survivors.
This respected group of current Ethnos 360 Executives, led by CEO Larry M Brown, has been boldly lying to the entire world. God is not fooled. Watch and see what happens.
TODAY SHOW PANIC RESPONSE is in Black. The Truth is in Blue
Ethnos360 CEO Larry Brown's Dishonest Response to the 2019 Today Show Story is riddled with distortion and outright lies. Read the factually corrected version here below.
Other journalists have published the truth about Larry Brown.
Larry has lots of experience overseeing the sidestepping of sex abuse scandals in a large mission organization. In 2023 he is still one of the best at doing so 'and' until now, getting away with it.
Read the 2015 article highlighted below to see we are not alone in highlighting Larry Brown's appalling double standards when it comes to Child Sex Abuse Scandals
We predict that 2023 might be the year his unbroken streak of immunity from “consequences” ends.
Learn more at
NTM replaced the "independent coordinator" of IHART with their very own (not-in-house) Attorney, Theresa Sidebotham, who was a friend of NTM Legal Counsel Scott Ross. (the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report recommended that NTM’s Attorney Scott Ross should not be allowed to participate in anything regarding NTM Child Abuse Investigations. Did NTM miss the memo?)
But not to worry, we're confident that everything the Ethnos Board does is squeaky clean.
We have Brian Coomb's solemn word on that. Oh wait... Better visit Brian's "shame page” also!
Considering all of the contrary evidence, including his own broken promises, does it appear that Larry Brown is any longer Spiritually and Ethically qualified to remain in Leadership of 'any' sound Christian organization?
We suggest that members and supporters join us in calls for a truly independent investigation and financial audit of the Mission since 2007. Of course, by definition an "independent" investigation obviously excludes IHART, which itself needs an audit from the filing date of the trademark in 2011.
ETP believes that exporting Larry Brown's corruption to other countries was a 'very' bad idea.
Larry Brown brings a BOATLOAD of 'Baggage' onto the GLOBAL PARTNERS stage!
ETP wonders if when the 'E360 Partner Organizations' find out what Larry Brown has been covering up back in E360 USA, might they kick him to the curb?
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