The GRACE Report matters in 2024 because contrary to what Ethnos360 publishes, G.R.A.C.E. was the only "independent investigation" of Child Abuse at NTM that has ever been published. In their desperation to control the information about the growing Abuse Scandal at NTM, in 2011 Larry Brown and the Board secretly created and then 'sold' IHART to 100's of Child Abuse Survivors (and Mission Members) as being independent. Larry and the entire NTM Executive Board were lying of course, but they got away with it when it counted most. It is time they are exposed as frauds and then investigated by the DOJ and other agencies who can hold them accountable. (If they are finally indicted, it is their fault not ours.)
Several persons we consulted during our research are familiar with the playbook which all of these organizations follow on their path to eventual ruin. Every failure can eventually be traced back to a lack of proper outside governance. Larry Brown has enjoyed almost no serious oversight during his entire tenure at NTM and then Ethnos, from 2006 until now.
The G.R.A.C.E. Report linked on this webpage points out glaring failures by NTM Leadership who time and time again failed to do anything about known cases of Mk Child Abuse except to pretend it did not exist. Larry Brown could only continue that NTM tradition until 2009 or so when it became evident that the uniting of abused Mk's on the internet was going to become a full-blown public scandal if something wasn't done.
Unlike his predecessors, NTM Chairman Larry Brown was forced into a position where he had to at least appear to be addressing the problems of the past, but somewhere along the line the Leadership figured out that they were trapped in a box canyon. If they followed through on their public promises to fully address the abuse problem, the resultant civil liability would seriously threaten the financial viability of the NTM Corporation.
Unfortunately for truth and justice, Larry and the rest of the Mission Executives chose the alternative option, which was to loudly proclaim they were taking action, but then to secretly ensure that the process was stretched out over so many years that the Mission would 'win' simply by attrition. They would spend whatever money it required to wait out the Survivors, and those who hired lawyers were (mostly) quietly settled out of court with strict confidentiality orders attached so there was no way to track what was happening.
All of this background is important because the Leadership of one of the largest Evangelical Foreign Missions in the world should maintain a great degree of transparency so that there are almost no questions that could be raised against them, and if something was not clear it could be easily resolved.
The evidence shows that genuine transparency has 'never' existed under CEO Larry Brown. As you will discover throughout this entire website, the passage of time only serves to make things in Sanford even more murky. Should that be the case?
The Survivors knew they were being played, but NTM controlled everything including the lines of communication to the Membership at large who were easily deceived into thinking the problems were all taken care of like they were being told.
With the IRS filing and approval of Ethnos360 as a Church in 2018, it is very difficult for even Members to gain meaningful insight into the operation of the Mission they are a part of. With his very checkered history of carefully worded partial truths over the years, a "trust us" coming from Brian Coombs is not valid, since his many published falsehoods destroy his credibility.
Long story short(er), until massive research led to the publication of this Ethnos Truth Project website, there has never been a single source where Members and Supporters could get an overview of the truth to counter the incredible amount of deception and outright lies that flow from Ethnos360 HQ. Once enough of us learned the awful truth, it became our duty to speak out in ways which Ethnos360 cannot control. This is by design, because gaining outside awareness through free speech is the only way this corruption at the top of the Mission can be exposed and rooted out.
We will be watching with great interest to see how Ethnos responds to what some may view as 'dirty laundry', since it is very hard to refute the documentation we have gathered. Either the evidence is real or it is not. We strongly suggest that for starters, Members and Supporters contact Ethnos and demand written answers to the "Uncomfortable Questions" as posted on this website, however, those answers will need to be very strongly "fact checked" in comparison to the documentation we have provided to verify the "answers" coming from Ethnos are the whole truth.
Since we knew the correct answers to most of those questions before they were asked, it will be easy for us to tell if Ethnos is fudging. It will speak volumes if Ethnos tries to issue blanket denials or resort to blaming the questioners instead of answering the substance of the questions being raised.
ETHNOS360 DOESN'T WANT MEMBERS LOOKING AT FORBIDDEN HISTORY forum was launched in 2009 as a direct result of relentless stonewalling of NTM Child Abuse Survivors by the new NTM CEO Larry Brown and the Executive Board. In 2008 NTM had promised Survivors they would come up with a plan to address each of their Child Abuse cases, but they did not.
As word of the Survivor website forum spread, there were soon 100's of Child Abuse Survivors from many different countries speaking out and demanding NTM hire a truly independent outside organization to investigate their Abuse Claims.
Unlike the false narrative published by Ethnos360 today, it was pressure from the NTM Child Abuse Survivors using Fanda Eagles Forum who forced NTM to finally take serious action by hiring G.R.A.C.E. to investigate Child Abuse of NYM Mk’s in Senegal Africa after both sides agreed G.R.A.C.E. was both qualified and neutral.
The result was the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Senegal Report (complete report further down this same page) which was devastating to NTM, not only because it revealed the scope of the Child Abuse within NTM but also because NTM Leadership was unable to censor the report itself before it was released, a hallmark of truly independent investigations. (a tactical error by Larry Brown and the rest of the Executive Board which Ethnos360 has made certain was never allowed to happen again)
Immediately, NTM found they had to find a way to discredit the G.R.A.C.E. Report 'and' the Fanda Eagles Forum which was exploding with new users.
NTM officials Colluded and devised a way to 'investigate' while at the same time secretly control the flow of information going out to the Mission Members.
Thus was born 'IHART', which many argue became a Criminal Conspiracy which continues to benefit Ethnos360 to this day.
Please thoughtfully explore "The IHART Deception" to discover the truth about what Larry Brown, Brian Coombs, Brian Shortmeier and other NTM Executives have done to manufacture a completely false version of what was done about addressing NTM's "Historical Child Abuse".
12 years and untold millions of dollars later, IHART is still "investigating" Child Abuse Cases which are but a fraction of the total cases known to exist. Judging by their actions, Ethnos360 Leadership does not want to know the Truth, and they absolutely do not want their Members looking into this subject because they all they risk being run out of Mission Leadership.
Footnote - NTM propagandists successfully painted the Fanda Eagles Forum as well as the G.R.A.C.E. Report as being 'toxic' and so very few Mission Members know the shocking failures of Mission Leadership highlighted in G.R.A.C.E. and even fewer know that the Fanda Eagles Survivor Forum eventually had over 2700 individual users and over 30,400 posts spread across more than 700 subject threads!
The 100's of Child Abuse Survivors who have been betrayed by men still in Leadership roles today at Ethnos360 deserve to see their Abusers 'and' the men who've enabled them by trying to avoid public scandals, be Named and Shamed for the evils both groups have perpetrated upon completely innocent persons whose only crime was to try to speak out.
This is an outrage, but too few people know the Truth.
NTM Leadership under CEO Brown used their internal panicked response to G.R.A.C.E. as the basis to vastly expand Corruption within the core of the Mission. Since they decided at the outset they could not tell the Truth for fear of Civil Liability Claims, as time goes by they have had to cover every previous lie by adding another one.
The stack of lies we can publish is very tall. In fact, we can certify that the Ethnos Truth Project has had to prioritize which potential Malfeasance or Crime to highlight here. This deception has gone on so long we wonder if even those in Leadership know what is Truth any longer!
Perhaps they believe their own lies?
It doesn't matter, we have the Truth, and they only have their sad track record.
Keep firmly in mind that the Mission Leadership has had many years to shape their narratives by using partial truths to deceive everyone into believing everything at HQ is well under control and there are no longer skeletons lurking in the board room closets.
In our research we were amazed at how little courtroom quality proof that Ethnos has ever offered to back up their smooth sounding website! Now, with actual damning documentation posted online, Ethnos Leaders suddenly have a huge credibility problem don't they?
We have done our homework to put together a Corruption Case for not only the DOJ but also the IRS and other State and Federal Agencies who now have benefit of a huge head start unraveling the very tangled web of interwoven lies and deceptions that have been employed to keep the Spotlight of Truth from shining into the inner sanctum at Ethnos360 HQ.
It would be better for everyone if E360 didn't force new revelations to be made, but we are prepared in case they dig in. Fair notice - the minor kerfuffle that happened in Sanford in the aftermath of the 2019 Today Show is child's play compared to the relentless waves of Truth that are coming if other whistle-blowers decide we didn't get the Executive Leadership Board's attention here in round one.
Members of E360 need not despair! All of this Corporate Level problem can be fixed easier than you might think if you add your voices with ours to demand Leadership resign en masse. Daily operations worldwide do not depend upon the input of the 6 men on the ELT.
One knowledgeable attorney we spoke with says it will not be difficult to appoint new temporary leaders with a mandate to change the corporate structure so that there can never be another repeat of the closed-loop and totally unaccountable board setup that led to this mess in the first place. Ethnos is not the first mission to face a similar crisis. God knew what was happening all along, even if we did not!
One more detail must be faced. There is so much Malfeasance that has gone on for so long with the full consent of the Executives under CEO Brown that we suggest by their deafening silence 'no' current Mission Leader is qualified to remain. They have all forfeited their moral standing to lead.
Larry Brown's departure, even if he took the sword as the CEO who is ultimately responsible, is meaningless in the big picture unless the underlying systemic flaws in the corporate bylaws are replaced with ones that demand transparency and true outside governance.
This can all be done if there is a burning desire for salvaging all of the good things about Ethnos360 which center around the Members and Supporters who are the victims of Rogue Leaders who put on a good public show. The evidence is clear, it's time for courageous people to step forward.
NTM saw to it that by the end of 2014 the 'original' Panama Pii Report was "disappeared" into the personal possession of NTM's Attorney Theresa Sidebotham, who NTM had "inserted" as the new IHART Coordinator!
You cannot make this stuff up! But you can expose the shocking facts and ask the DOJ to conduct an investigation!
At the least, this all appears to be highly unethical.
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