Larry Brown, Steve Sanford, Brian Shortmeier, Brian Coombs, Keith Copley, Dan Kreider, Dan Falls, Ron Lindsey, Bob Meisel Jr, Chris Saberin, Andrew Royer, Mark Woodard, Jonathan Parker and other men who are or have served as NTM/Ethnos Executive Board Members (or Corporate Minions like Brion Kendzora and Laura Meyers who do their bidding) will appear below along with emails, letters and documentation or direct quotes in media interviews that will prove they had (or could have had*) "direct knowledge" of large numbers of pending “Historical Child Abuse Cases”, but they mostly hid them, and those cases which they could not hide, were often quietly “settled” with Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreements attached.
(*) Since the publication of this website in June of 2023, no current or past Executive Member of Ethnos360 can legitimately claim that they have no knowledge that these publicly available allegations of Abuse Cover-ups within Ethnos360 exist.
Swapping corporate positions between the same core leaders is known to be disastrous to organizations, and unfortunately it appears that the innocent Members and Supporters of Ethnos360 are eventually going to pay a heavy price for blind faith in their leadership.
Not only that, JUDGING BY THEIR ACTIONS, as the sobering image of the cartoon illustration depicts, for many years, NTM/E360 Leadership (apparently) and certainly FUNCTIONALLY, has locked WWJD completely outside of the decision-making process when it comes to choosing between RIGHT vs Protecting E360 Corporation.
Now, in mid-2024, Ethnos Truth Project is seeing more and more Abuse Survivors and Whistle-Blowers coming forward with allegations of many new Abuse cases from 2013 until the present in the USA and Overseas.
These new contributors to ETP are bringing the "receipts".
They are naming names of Leaders who they allege have direct knowledge Legally-Mandated Reportable Abuse, but who have Stonewalled, Failed To Report, Covered-up, and Protected Abusers like they have done all along.
Interestingly, ETP is being told that not a single one of these latest cases has had contact with IHART, because they know that the "IHART Process " is fatally flawed because it IS NOT NOW, and NEVER WAS, independent as claimed by Mission Leadership the entire time.
Ethnos Truth Project has done all we can to get your attention.
Other Whistle-Blowers (both Quiet Leavers and Quiet Remainers) have now come forward with allegations and provided ETP with supporting documentation regarding Spiritual and Emotional Abuse of Members between 2012 and 2023. None of these persons or families were willing to interact with IHART because they were aware that the "IHART Process" is essentially "In-House" as opposed to being Independent as was "sold" to Members since the beginning.
Frankly, ETP does not understand why Leadership seems to believe they will not eventually be exposed as deceivers.
Larry Brown is a prolific purveyor of carefully crafted Partial Truths. We will post copies of what he's written along with line by line corrections and facts for easy comparison.
The CEO has the ultimate responsibility for what happens on his watch. Frankly, CEO Brown is at the heart of several massive (and POSSIBLY even illegal) deceptions.
ETP has published proof that Larry Brown does not "walk in integrity".
Mr Coombs may be a sincere fellow. ETP has received multiple allegations that he is an "un-repentent liar" who is incredibly skilled at writing emails and statements which are cleverly deceptive manipulations of the Truth (aka "lies"). Much of what Mr Coombs has written about Ethnos resolving Historic Child Abuse is fiction.
This dishonesty by E360's Director of Child Safety has caught the attention of Law Enforcement Investigators.
After the ETP Website was published, Dallon Anderson took on the task of Internal Scandal Management Point Man. We definitely did not envy him!
Ethnos Truth Project was STUNNED to see that Dallon Anderson has actually doubled-down on the way that Brian Coombs boldly issues provably-false statements to Ethnos Members and the Media. ETP is very disappointed in Dallon's tone-deaf responses to E360 Scandals.
In January of 2023 Larry Brown announced that Ethnos had chosen the next Executive to replace him as CEO.
Larry Brown's arrogant defiance of suggestions to voluntarily clean house has ignited a firestorm. ETP would feel sorry for Mr Sanford except that whistle-blowers told us that he too is guilty of keeping silent about the Abuse Cover-ups. The ETP is calling this move as proof the E360 "Good Ole Boys Club" is still firmly in control.
The arrival of Keith Copley on the .info website has triggered a surprising number of emails to ETP from Whistle-Blowers who served in PNG during Keith's tenure as Managing Director of NTM-PNG 2012 - 2022.
ETP is working to corroborate a wide range of ALLEGATIONS that Keith mishandled aka (covered up) multiple cases of Child Abuse and there are concerning reports that he lacked transparency in field management.
ETP has solid evidence of a secret Intimidation/Retaliation Dept at E360. Some career Missionaries Brion zealously persecuted for demanding Leadership be held accountable, were already serving overseas for more than a 'decade' when Brion was born.
We are curious to learn who above Brion might be "pulling his strings".
It appears to ETP that Brion could have been set up as the E360 'Fall Guy' if Corporate Retaliation ever backfires.
Brian Shortmeier signed the infamous 2012 letter to Mk's which presented IHART as being an Independent Entity like G.R.A.C.E. Many people are curious who else had a hand in drafting that masterpiece of mis-direction, along with the others that followed. ETP believes eventual outside reviews will reveal lots of interesting things.
As of November 2022 Dan Krieder cemented his position on the Ethnos Wall of Shame when he signed a very misleading letter placed upon the cover of the IHART PNG Summary (Abuse) Report. That is not his only claim to infamy but it is very recent history which will make it very uncomfortable when he finally faces the music for his role in the IHART Deception and the on-going Cover-ups of Child Abuse Cases.
Dan Falls is another long time NTM/Ethnos Executive who documents show has been directly involved in nefarious activities like "The IHART Deception". November 1-2 of 2014, Dan was sitting at the table with Panama Mk's knowing full well that NTM had plotted to install Attorney Sidebotham into IHART to delay the Panama Report they were there to discuss. Why did you betray those Survivors like that Dan?
In 2010 Ron Lindsey acknowledged that there were "dozens" of NTM Child Abuse Victims and he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel "We are not defending ourselves...(or) the cover-up". ETP wants to ask Ron some questions about decisions he and other Executives made that denied "Jane Doe" Abuse Survivors access to damaging internal documents which a judge ordered be turned over to them. What was NTM hiding?
As of 2024 we can assert that everyone else who has ever served on the NTM/Ethnos360 Exec Boards under Larry Brown's tenure is guilty of keeping silent when they saw publications and statements put out to Members, Survivors, Supporters and the public that they should have known were misleading, partial truths, or not 100% complete and accurate. To remain silent is to become complicit with evil.
Has Theresa advised NTM Leaders how to avoid Sex Scandals since GRACE 2010? Larry Brown said ABWE should use her to avoid their own Sex Scandal in 2011. She is so skilled protecting "ministries" that NTM 'inserted' her into IHART in 2014 just before the Panama Pii Abuse Report could implicate NTM Leadership in Abuse Cover-ups.
E360's "Church Status" helps hide all the money they've paid TS for "Fixes".
With the cover of IHART, Mission Executives could avoid blame for delays they intentionally created which were designed to stretch out the "investigation process" to limit the NTM Corporation's civil liability from Child Abuse Claims, which evidence including a simple calendar shows was their highest priority.
As the CEO of both NTM and then Ethnos360, Larry Brown was the man driving that Mission Bus throughout this entire time. Sadly, we can observe that no Ethnos Executives seated in the front rows of the Cover-up Bus tried to stop the carnage. (At least not publicly).
The scope of ongoing and past Mk Child Abuse within NTM/Ethnos360 is shocking. Oh, they admitted there was abuse all right, but what they have never acknowledged is the incredible number of Child Abuse Cases they knew about for years but which they were able to bury using various unethical tactics to hide everything right in plain sight.
We get it... Until an Ethnos Member is willing to accept the fact that they have been intentionally deceived by persons in authority at their Mission Headquarters, it is nearly impossible for them to comprehend just how diabolical and evil the conspiracy of Cover-ups within Ethnos actually is. Not only that, the era of Abuse in various forms continues today.
A current example of information control is what Executive Leadership did following the launch of the website. They sprang into action to tighten the email filters to block or trap emails the Ethnos Truth Project sent to individual missionaries.
Extreme censorship of Truth only serves to prove Leader's fears of exposure.
Busy Field Missionaries who blindly trusted their Leadership were easily deceived into thinking that anyone who questions Ethnos "is doing so as part of an attack against God's work". That very same accusation is being made by E360 against this Ethnos Truth Project website.
Skillful use of the Ethnos360 website's FAQ section allowed Ethnos executives to tell "partial truths' which are actually clever "lies by omission". In this very sad case, Google is your friend if you want to discover the ugly truth about CEO Larry Brown's track record when it comes to orchestrating Cover-ups of Sex Abuse Scandals. He has verifiable experience doing so, including on behalf of other Mission Organizations such as ABWE back in 2011.
Our word of caution to all NTM/Ethnos Executive Leaders is that you have a "Fiduciary Duty" to understand what was being done by other Executives of the Board served on.
If you as a Mission Executive discover that you were kept in the dark regarding things that are being exposed here, you 'also' will still be held to account for 'all' of the actions of the "Executive Board" during your tenure, whether you personally supported those decisions or not.
As a Board Member, past or present, you will own it all.
Based upon the documentation available here we are demanding a legitimate thorough outside review of the Ethnos Boards since 2008.
In our considerable experience, the vast majority of the Dedicated Membership of the Mission has been so completely deceived and kept in the dark by this Cover-up of past Cover-ups Agenda that it is (nearly) impossible to convince a Loyal Ethnos360 Member that on certain topics 'several' of their Beloved Leaders are actually Two-faced Liars and Deceivers.
The evidence compels us to boldly speak out against “Sin in our Midst” so it can be cleansed.
For a very easy to understand explanation of several legal terms we use on this website check out "What is Malfeasance?" on the very first page listed under the "Documentation" pull down menu in the header.
On that page we explain the differences between different types of malfeasance and we also explain several terms such as "fiduciary duties" and a concept called "due diligence" which are things that mission executives should do, but often don't, resulting in the present scandal.
You men on the Ethnos360 Executive Leadership Team received countless opportunities over the years to "come clean" and admit that you'd been deceptive...
Over and over, many NTM Mk Child Abuse Survivors confronted your dishonesty, and individual Mission Members did the same thing, trying to resolve this problem internally. Instead of admitting your wrongs you doubled down on them and retaliated against anyone who would not agree to be silenced.
Instead of offering your humble cooperation and following through on your promises to end the Stonewalling and Cover-ups, you steadfastly stuck to your worn out cover stories and you acted like you were "The Untouchables".
Ethnos Truth Project believes that, eventually, E360 Executives are going to learn (undoubtedly the hard way through the legal system ) that "consequences" is a two-way street.
If a reader is intellectually honest, they will examine all of the evidence with discernment before reaching any conclusions either way. Unlike E360, we can, and do, back up our allegations with actual documentation, most of which is in the Public Domain. The Researchers simply piled it in one convenient place.
The Ethnos Truth Project has far more evidence including documents and corroborating evidence provided to us by numerous Whistle-Blowers which we possess but have chosen not to publish at this time, PARTLY because the sheer volume of documentation that has been aggregated on this website as it is, leads many people to feel overwhelmed.
Imagine being in our shoes, where we have to "prioritize" which malfeasance to post.
Partial Truths presented in certain sections of the Ethnos360 website, are often not actual "proof" to adequately support the Official Ethnos360 Version of history.
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