DF = Dan Falls
BC = Brian Coombs
LB = Larry Brown
Mission Leaders do not want anyone to know that they and many of their predecessors are all playing a role in an ongoing conspiracy to keep the world from finding out the true extent of Abuse which NTM/Ethnos Abuse Survivors know all too well.
Adults within NTM/Ethnos have suffered lots of Spiritual and Emotional Abuse, many of them to the point that they became discouraged and left, after being convinced by dishonest Leadership that they were "the only people who have ever spoken out about serious issues X, Y, or Z".
Evidence posted here by the Ethnos Truth Project and on many other platforms shows that some highly respected men in Mission Leadership claiming to be "Godly" have destroyed the faith and even the lives of 100's of MK's (Missionary Kid)s and "Quiet Leavers" who have been re-traumatized by the ones who promised transparency, integrity and healing.
Ethnos360 is using a campaign of partial truths and overly broad NDA's to cover-up a multitude of very dark secrets.
By limiting the Executive Board to just 2 non-members who may only meet 2x per year, this lack of independent outside checks and balances to the inner workings of the Ethnos360 Corporation is what has allowed the Ethnos360 Executive Board(s) under Larry Brown's leadership beginning in 2007, to publicly profess their "integrity and transparency" while brutally silencing all voices that have tried for 'years' to sound the alarms regarding what 'actually' has been taking place in secret.
Under a special exemption given to Ethnos in 2018, ECFA has allowed active Ethnos Field Missionaries, who are not based in Sanford Florida, to fill the seats of what are supposed to be "Independent Board Members"! We are currently living the nightmare results of having Ethnos Employees monitor Ethnos Leadership Team functions.
In the "outside world" that is a clear conflict of interest that is not acceptable. At Ethnos360 it is embraced as SOP (aka Standard Operating Practice).
It isn't that the Field Personnel have any bad motives, it is the impossibility that they bring the sort of "Truly Independent" oversight that is able to effectively oversee the decisions of the Executive Leadership Team that would be more likely if 'Independent Board Members" did not work for the men they are supposed to be safeguarding.
Due to pressure from ECFA, Ethnos has promised to restructure their bylaws by 2025 to make a "majority" of Executive Board positions be "independent" according to the published ECFA Standard 2 requirements. Unfortunately for Transparency and Good Governance Practices there will still be a "governance problem" at Ethnos360 unless there is another precautionary change put into place.
It is not the fault of Ethnos360, but the ECFA definition of "Independent Board Members", allows even a recently-retired 25-year Ethnos Missionary to fill an "Independent" board position. Nothing will change unless there is actual accountability.
Some leadership actions appear to have devolved into outright criminality, something which will require law enforcement to determine. Until now, they've quietly gotten away with it because too few of us knew the truth, and there was no way to alert members except from outside.
It isn't that no-one at all knew what was happening at the executive level, (100's of NTM Child Abuse Survivors certainly knew) it is that Mission Members and Supporters were actively 'prevented' from hearing the truth, because the "corporate machine" had a near total monopoly on the ability to control the information being published to Members and Supporters, most of whom did not have any reason to suspect otherwise.
Victims and whistle-blowers have never had a viable public platform, and even when the 2019 Today Show cracked open the lid, CEO Larry Brown immediately sprang into action to send letters to supporters and members designed to deflect, deny and misdirect by claiming that MSNBC's reporting was wrong, which it was not.
When the Today Show issued a short follow-up segment "standing by” their original accurate reporting, very few Members and Supporters ever knew, having already believed the smooth lies-by-omission published by Larry Brown.
Not only was the 2019 Today Show story factually accurate, it was merely the tip of a very large iceberg of corruption that is well hidden behind the shiny exterior and public persona of the men at the top of Ethnos360 HQ. These are all very serious allegations, but we have seen proof.
(For the record, Ethnos is the 'last' group who should mention innacurate reports)
Swapping corporate positions between the same core leaders is known to be disastrous to organizations, and unfortunately it appears that the innocent members and supporters of Ethnos360 are eventually going to pay a heavy price for blind faith in their leadership. Merely assuming good character of leaders has ended badly!
We can make these bold observations regarding these Ethnos Executive Leaders because we have seen the documented evidence of what they have actually done in the real world, which stands in stark contrast to their carefully cultivated reputations which have served as a very effective shield against criticism and accountability.
Of course the former NTM Chairman Brown and long-time Ethnos360 CEO Brown are the same man, just with a new more inclusive corporate title.
In reality, the corporate name change from NTM to Ethnos360 did not change the underlying Culture of Silence that plagued NTM all along. It drives home the point that the most likely reason the current Cover-ups of past Abuse Cover-ups have continued into 2024 is that the current power structure of the Mission is very much rooted in the past including a disproportionate number of Leadership and USA Representatives who were in foreign Field Leadership Positions (especially in PNG) in the 80's and 90's when the vast majority of the Mk Boarding School Child Abuse occurred.
We researchers find it very odd that these same men seem to have total amnesia regarding knowledge of events that happened during their tenures. As if they never heard of NTM Child Abuse until after the G.R.A.C.E. Report was published in 2010!
Please look at the following documents carefully.
This 2010 Petition with more than 500 signatures of Survivors and their concerned Supporters went to several very familiar "names" at NTM who “remain” names in Ethnos360 Mission Leadership.
Look at the allegations and compare those to the current situation which the Ethnos Truth Project is addressing with supporting documentation.
It is the position of the Ethnos Truth Project that every Ethnos Mission "Leader" involved in these Cover-ups and other Corporate Malfeasance must be removed from day to day decision-making because it is impossible for any meaningful review of Executive Level actions if the "gatekeepers" are able to prevent access to the scene of their crimes! (We believe subpoena power will eventually grant investigators full access.)
Remember, the criteria for removal of Executive Leadership 'en masse' does not require that there is a determination of 'individual culpability'. That will come 'after' a proper investigation. Every Executive Member of a Corporate Board is responsible for the actions taken by the board they are serving on. Remaining silent about serious wrongdoing, is itself a form of Corporate Malfeasance.
In November of 2022 during their annual meetings in Thailand, Larry Brown assumed the Chairmanship of the Global Partners organization replacing the retiring Chairman Oli Jacobsen (another former NTM Leader who should be deposed under oath for his role in failing to properly address Child Abuse Cases which he had personal knowledge of per a sworn complaint in one of the Jane Doe Lawsuits against NTM). Facts are stubborn things.
Despite maintaining a relatively low public profile and not being the author of any of the deceptive emails sent to MK Child Abuse Survivors, Members or Supporters which we are highlighting on this website, Steve Sanford is very much a long-time part of the deeply entrenched leadership structure of ETHNOS.
Fortunately for the advancement of the Ethnos Truth Project we original researchers have no relationship to him, and our only criteria to pass judgement is to examine his ACTIONS (or in-actions) as we detail below.
Make no mistake, Steve Sanford is being *INSTALLED* as the new CEO of ETHNOS360 because he is a team player who has remained silent while his higher profile fellow Executive Board Members like Brian Shortmeier, Brian Coombs and CEO Brown published lie after lie which Steve Sanford never felt compelled to publicly correct.
Not a single man on the Executive Board is Scripturally qualified to 'remain' in Mission Leadership because their silence in the face of gross wrongdoing by the Board is proof they should be disqualified. Opinions and personalities do not matter. Facts and actions 'DO' matter.
For the above reasons, it is our position that Steve Sanford lacks the character to remain an Executive Board Member at ETHNOS360, let alone be promoted to CEO where he can simply perpetuate the Culture of Cover-ups.
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