By publishing documents NTM/Ethnos hid from membership, the Ethnos Truth Project is holding Ethnos360 Mission Leadership accountable for what appears to be Corporate Malfeasance in covering up mishandling of “Historic Child Abuse Cases” for many years.
NTM dishonestly used their Front Entity* IHART to smear Professional Investigators International (Pii) in 2014/2015 while NTM scrambled to hide Pii's findings of serious wrongdoing by Mission Leadership who were named (again) as covering up known cases of Child Sexual (and other) Abuse, this time in Panama.
These men are not perpetrators, they are silent enablers of the accused!
(*) In trying to "sell" IHART to Abuse Survivors as being "independent", documentation shows that it was apparently necessary for NTM to allow everyone to believe IHART was a separate entity since they did nothing to voluntarily clarify that distinction for years, until NTM could no longer smother the truth, that they had secretly been controlling IHART all along.
Losing control of damaging information is something current Ethnos CEO Larry Brown vowed would never happen again following the 2010 G.R.A.C.E Report which exposed the same sick Cover-up behavior by previous New Tribes Mission Leaders who hid known Child Abuse Cases for decades.
In our opinion, based upon other incriminating allegations regarding the disappearance of evidence in Child Abuse Cases at the hands of NTM Leadership that we are not disclosing at this time, we can only speculate why Pii chose not to provide any further details than they did in the 2015 statement below, which Pii issued to correct the record after NTM and IHART made false statements regarding what Pii was contracted to investigate in Panama.
Certainly what Pii did disclose (in very understated language) points to the appearance of serious wrongdoing behind the scenes by men at Ethnos360 Headquarters, and not so long ago.
Research Notes –
Over and over we see that Mission Executives are very slow learners when it comes to the benefits of telling the Truth from the beginning. Every twisting of the Truth by HQ requires another layer of deception. Ethnos leadership often brings controversy upon itself.
Honest persons should ask themselves why NTM under Larry Brown tried to hide this information from Membership. Of course when you read the uncomfortable details, and apply logic, the answer is obvious.
Something stinks in the Ethnos Board Room. It is likely that there has been lots of 'sanitizing' done in Sanford over the years, but this smells to us like 'corruption residue'.
Please scroll further and read the Pii Investigation 'Immediate Release" document below. This is very serious evidence.
At some point, even the most loyal supporters of Larry Brown & Company 'should' conclude that for the good of the Mission, in view of the evidence supporting multiple allegations of Malfeasance, he and the rest of his Executive Board need to 'voluntarily' step aside and cooperate with an orderly transition of Leadership to upright men who do not have a cloud of suspicion hanging over them.
(if they truly love the Mission, they will do this humble act)
We do not know any of the current Leadership personally, but we and others know a great deal of what they have done in secret that becomes disqualifying as far as remaining in any position of trust. Our obligation is to shine a bright Spotlight of Truth into every dark corner at headquarters. What happens after that is not up to us.
Looking the other way is not an option. Ignoring sin is what allowed this to become a full-fledged leadership scandal.
This has to stop. Now.
Silence is complicity with the men who are enabling child predators as a consequence of trying to protect the reputation of a corporation with no thought of the lives they are destroying in the process. If you have information about things you know leadership has covered up or refused to take action on which bother your conscience, please do the right thing and let us know.
Truth is the standard. Anything less becomes a lie.
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