We have irrefutable proof of corporate evil-doing, even if no-one else besides the Victim/Survivors are speaking out!
One must take note of the fact that every single media story linked below, spanning more than a decade, was published during the tenure of one Mission Leader named Larry M Brown.
With tears in our eyes, we researchers are pleading with 1000's of NTM/Ethnos Mission Members and Supporters to wake up to the reality of what "works of darkness" our Leadership have done (and even promoted at other missions) in their mis-guided quest to avoid temporary bad publicity!
Please do not ignore this sinful behavior by Fallen Leaders being exposed throughout this website!
The old adage is true; the Cover-up can become another Crime.
As the Chairman of NTM beginning in 2007 and then the CEO of Ethnos360 after the corporate name change in 2017, and up to the present day, it is CEO Brown who has the ultimate responsibility for what evil things the Mission Leadership has done to re-abuse Survivors (by betrayal).
Those are the same Mk's who Larry Brown and other Executives publicly promised to help, but then quietly threw under the powerful Ethnos "Get-Away" Bus.
Judging by the vast evidence in the public records, we are confident Larry Brown's fingerprints will be found all over the Cover-ups of this Scandal. None of the smattering of media reports below are long, but the contents are very powerful (and incriminating) if you are men whose Fiduciary Obligation it was to respond in a transparent Godly way instead of as ravenous Corporate Wolves guarding their den.
Consider 'actions' above pious words!
Did you know about ongoing betrayal of Abuse Survivors at the hands of 'current' Ethnos360 Executives?
The 7-minute Today Show interview is only a small but very powerfully presented sampling of the experiences shared by 100's of NTM Mk Abuse Survivors whose cases were stonewalled and minimized by dirty and unethical legal tactics that shamed the Victims instead of relentlessly pursuing the Child Abusers to make certain they cannot freely prey upon other innocent kids.
Listen very carefully to the fact that MSNBC verified that these women Survivors were telling the truth about this scandal involving CEO Brown and other Mission Executives failing to do what they promised... Ethnos360 must end Child Abuse Cover-ups and stop “Enabling Abusers by Silence”.
These women Sex Abuse Survivors reported that Ethnos had capped the Counseling Fund which program the Mission cites as proof they are generously helping Survivors.
Several Abuse Survivors have recently told us the counseling funds were capped at $5000 per victim 'and' that Ethnos has made the funding process too intrusive to the point it is not being utilized as advertised.
We do not have any way to verify anything since Ethnos has refused to publish any actual proof, however we will simply say that several Abuse Survivors we have interviewed "allege" that the "One Million Dollar Counseling Fund" has benefited the Mission from a PR standpoint more than it has benefited the Survivor Community as a whole.
The Ethnos Truth Project and the Survivors we interviewed want to see full transparency (and proof) from Ethnos on this subject.
On Feb 9, 2019 just two days after the Today Show story aired, instead of truthfully admitting Ethnos' failures to resolve these Historical Child Abuse Cases as was specifically alleged by the Today Show, Ethnos CEO Larry Brown actually doubled-down on his previous lies in a (panicked?) misleading letter to Supporting Pastors!
CEO Brown's "Pastor Letter" conveniently avoided answering several specific allegations made by the Survivors and instead he created diversions* to change the focus off of his own failings after over a decade of empty rhetoric.
(*see "Documentation" page for a copy of CEO Brown's 2019 letter, corrected with numerous facts which Larry conveniently omitted)
By the time NBC responded to Larry Brown’s slippery denials and stated flatly that they stood by their reporting, the damage to the Truth was already done.
It is likely that few of the Supporting Churches that Larry Brown's "Pastor Letter" went to on February 9, 2019 denying the Today Show reporting ever learned that Today had pushed back against the lies in Larry’s letter.
It appears that Larry Brown has become a very accomplished escape artist.
Larry Brown's office offered platitudes to Les Emory's victims during the news segment, but then the Board viciously fought the Jane Doe Plaintiffs for 'years' as we chronicle on this site on the “Lawsuit Court Dockets” page.
Just like in almost every other case, NTM Leadership did everything they could to minimize the scandals.
Busy Missionaries around the world had little chance to learn the Truth. If those Field Missionaries and their Supporters relied upon Ethnos to tell the Whole Truth the chances for observers to be informed dropped to near zero.
The embarrassing (very damning) proof of Current Ethnos360 Executives' involvement in shockingly unethical and reprehensible behavior done while protecting "Mission Corporations” at the expense of ruining the lives of already-victimized Mk's is contained in 2 pages of sworn testimony in the 2016 Pii ABWE Report further down this page.
This next link tells the story of the ABWE Child Sex Abuse Scandal where the ABWE Mission Board ignored the fact they had a Serial Sexual Predator and when they finally fired him they did not do anything to stop his Child Abuse from continuing in the USA.
NTM Executives including Chairman Brown helped ABWE understand how to "control the flow of negative information" and they pushed Attorney Sidebotham as a legal expert to help limit potential lawsuits.
Is this behavior acceptable for men who are the public face of Ethnos360?
Even if a Mission Executive is a relative or a friend, they must be confronted about the terrible human toll they are responsible for as a result of staying quiet about Child Abuse, and all of the other Corporate Cover-ups that have become necessary as the past lies must be hidden by new and greater lies.
This cycle has to stop.
With the publication of this website, all of us bear part of the blame if we "knowingly" allow sin to remain embedded in our midst, much less lead our Mission.
Chairman Brown and other NTM Executives became implicated in the cover-up of a Child Sexual Abuse Scandal - at another foreign mission organization, the Baptist Mission called ABWE.
Our own Mr. Brown advised his friend Michael Loftis, the embattled ABWE CEO, on how to maintain control of the flow of information to keep the Sexual Abuse Scandal from exploding with the resulting threat of victim lawsuits.
NTM Execs are on record saying they lamented the fact that NTM had allowed GRACE to investigate Historical Child Abuse at NTM, basically because the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report had released the Truth that NTM Leadership personnel were directly culpable for trying to hide NTM Mk Abuse Cases for years.
Check the arrow below the cover page to see for yourself pages 2-3 highlighting NTM and Chairman Brown from the 2016 Pii ABWE Report and then scroll back up here to check out the DOJ article linked next in this block to discover that this Cover-up Culture at Ethnos is the identical pattern of conduct that has caused the US DOJ to open a Criminal Investigation into the Executive Committee over at SBC.
Do they all follow the same playbook?
It is not just 'us' pointing out that Larry Brown has lots of experience overseeing the sidestepping of Child Sex Abuse Scandals in large mission organizations.
Look down below to see what a 2015 article about Larry Brown had to say about his (cough) skill set.
Do we 'really' want Larry Brown to ascend to full-time oversight of the Ethnos360 Global Partners (30+ countries!?!
This questionable move is scheduled for November 2023, yet for the reasons demonstrated on this website, we submit that by Biblical Standards Larry Brown is no longer Spiritually Qualified to be in Leadership positions.
SEPT 17, 2010 INTERVIEW IN THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL © 2023 - 2025 Cover-Ups of Cover-Ups ETHNOS360 LEADERSHIP SCANDAL- All Rights Reserved.
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