When the next CSA-Related Lawsuits are filed, Brian Coombs will play a central role in those as well.
Ethnos Truth Project has referred several Survivors to Abuse Attorneys and even Law Enforcement due to the serious nature of what is alleged to have happened and the "poor to non-existent response" by E360 HQ who are allegedly 'still' stonewalling and covering Abuse, while they insist ALL allegations against them are "baseless or from mis-information".
ETP has warned that Ethnos Executives are putting the Mission in legal jeopardy just like has happened to the SBC Exec Committee who have recently been named in lawsuits citing RICO Act violations. RICO is law that deals with Corrupt Organizations.
I am very afraid of anyone finding out that I am sharing this."
Multiple recent E360 Whistle - Blowers.
ETP Note - It is Ethnos360 Leadership who should be very afraid of what numerous recent Whistle-Blowers are sharing with Ethnos Truth Project regarding allegations that E360 is continuing to mis-handle and even ignore Abuse cases. Where there is smoke...
"Dear ETP,
I don't have anything "scandalous" to tell you, but want to encourage you by telling you that you are absolutely right in saying that the lack of transparency on the part of E360 is ONGOING.
It has only been a few months since I last had direct communication with leadership there, trying to get them to acknowledge the gravity of the public allegations of their misleading communications and mistreatment of Mission members who make an issue of them.
Sadly, everything seems to indicate that they have only doubled down on their insistence that the Executives have not done anything wrong.
As others have reported over the years, I was made to feel like 'I' was the problem for not accepting the unconvincing "exculpatory evidence" which they presented.
There is more which I could share, but this is all I have time for today."
- Name withheld by request.
(*) Ethnos Truth Project is sad to report that since this website went public, as of November 2023, two sets of E360 Field Missionaries serving overseas for decades have been forced to resign for refusing to accept Ethnos's very dishonest presentation of the true origins of IHART and numerous other deceptions by E360 Leadership which they were not aware of until more recently.
Ethnos HQ labels 'demanding Truth from Leaders' as "Policy Violations"so ultimately, after confronting Leadership internally and being intimidated and threatened for speaking out, rather than violate their consciences by agreeing to what amounted to 'gag orders' preventing them from telling the Truth, both Missionaries independently chose to "dis-associate' from Ethnos360 under present Leadership.
We at ETP have received numerous similar accounts from other victims of these same tactics who were driven out of E360 in the past several years, but until this website came along, the persons who've contacted us say they were led to believe they were alone. E360's monopoly on information is over and some of the persons Ethnos assumed would be "Quiet Leavers" forever, tell us they want to regain their voices. In time, greater exposure will create more and more "Quiet Remainers" within the Mission. We know for a fact many more "Remainers"exist than HQ wants to admit. HQ denies lots of other facts ALSO, so this is no different.
This is intentional Emotional and Spiritual Abuse, and it is being inflicted by men who do not want their corruption exposed. ETP is going to publish not only their stories, but the stories of several other (now former) Ethnos Missionaries who were similarly driven out of NTM/E360 for refusing to go along with the false narratives.
In reality, the Cover-ups and other kinds of Corporate Malfeasance at the hands of Ethnos Leadership are more widespread than ever in 2024.
Our "deep dive" research proves that instead of ending the past Cover-ups, under CEO Larry Brown the Cover-ups have expanded to include several other topics which are covered throughout this website.
The Ethnos Truth Project has consistently said that the ONLY WAY to get Justice for Abuse Survivors is to use LAWS to go after Corruption within Ethnos360 Leadership.
The Wheels of Justice turn slowly, but they 'are' turning!
Please help ETP spread the word.
Our primary objective is first to expose and then correct (with incontrovertible documentation) the completely false narrative published by the NTM/Ethnos Leadership since 2008 where they lead us to believe things about Historical Abuse that are false.
These Cover-ups of Cover-ups are all at the hands of E360 Executives who are still hiding the Truth from everyone about their own secret actions! Ethnos360 Leaders have spent unknown (but obviously substantial) amounts of "God's money" trying to keep this scandal quiet.
We are calling them out. The last thing they should do is retaliate against persons who know their darker secrets!
At first blush, many of us did not want to believe such evil could reside within the Mission we (still) love. Our original instincts to disbelieve what is published here were incorrect.
Don't take our word for it... Look at the evidence for yourselves, and then join the fight for Truth!
For more than a dozen years led by CEO Larry Brown, Ethnos360's Executive Leadership has published very deceptively sanitized (and even falsified) official communications.
The many tearful letters to survivors, members, supporting churches, press releases and, more recently, the very misleading June 2020 revision of the 'Ethnos360 and Child Safety' publication posted on the Ethnos360 website, are riddled with distortions of facts and partial truths, (which as demonstrated on this website are actually "lies by omission").
Everything Ethnos published regarding "historic child abuse" has served to protect Ethnos360 "the corporation" instead of proclaiming the truth to members!
Elsewhere on this website we present copies of what was officially published along with other authentic documentation and timelines which will clearly demonstrate why strong allegations of malfeasance are being made.
The video interviews and the concise blogs (linked below) are only a small but very powerfully presented sampling of the experiences shared by many 100's of NTM Abuse Survivors whose cases were stonewalled and minimized by dirty and unethical legal tactics that shamed the victims instead of relentlessly pursuing the Child Abusers to make certain they cannot freely prey upon other innocent kids.
On Feb 9, 2019 just two days after the Today Show story aired, instead of truthfully admitting Ethnos' failures to resolve these historical child abuse cases as was specifically alleged by the Today Show, Ethnos CEO Larry Brown actually doubled-down on his previous lies in a (panicked?) and grossly misleading letter to supporting pastors!
CEO Brown's "Pastor Letter" conveniently avoided answering several specific allegations made by the Survivors and instead he created diversions* to change the focus off of his own failings after over a decade of empty rhetoric, heavy on promises but lacking substantive actions..
Larry Brown and other leaders have no excuse or shame!
MSNBC independently verified that these NTM Mk Survivors were telling the truth about this scandal.
(*) see "Documentation" page for a copy of CEO Brown's letter, corrected with numerous facts)
For the clearest understanding - compare what the Mission publishes with actual public records and documentation aggregated on this website!
The Abuse Survivors' sworn affidavits and the results of investigations confirm that Ethnos officials are openly lying.
In their published false narratives, Ethnos Execs attempt to minimize the extent and severity of the Child Abuse Cases which they knew for years had occurred but most cases had never been publicly disclosed.
A "deep dive" into open public records has revealed that, in secret, behind the boardroom doors, several of these men have used their (perhaps non-existent?) "Corporate Immunity" to hide what they were doing behind the scenes.
When we measure action instead of flowery words, the primary goal of the "modern era" Ethnos Leadership under CEO Larry Brown appears to be limiting Corporate Liability for Ethnos360 and maintaining the public reputation of the Mission (and protecting themselves).
The whistle-blowers published first-hand allegations of serious misconduct by Ethnos360 but Leaders ignored them and did all they could to prevent Mission Members and Supporters from learning the Truth!
The same extreme censorship by Sanford HQ is happening regarding this Ethnos Truth Project website. Ethnos Executives cannot refute the contents of this website, so the most they can do is try to keep Members from even learning about this website, and scaring those Members who do discover the Truth from telling other Members lest they be charged with “Policy Violations”
ETP finds it very ironic that the Ethnos ELT is “making the case” against themselves, and eventually the censorship of Truth by HQ will fail.
NTM Abuse Survivor (now pastor) Matthew McNutt presents a riveting Survivor's chronology of his horrifying nightmare of being savagely betrayed by several men whose public persona in the halls of Ethnos360 is one of humility and integrity.
Tragically, Matthew's experience is one shared by many 100's of NTM Abuse Survivors whose cases were stonewalled and minimized by Mission Executives.
Once you've digested the background in the excellent blogs by Matthew McNutt (linked via the white button just below) please return to this page to hear from another NTM Abuse Survivor who broke his silence in 2021 with a bombshell whistle-blower interview.
In this fascinating interview, hosted by Lindsay at you will learn never-before disclosed information regarding Nathan Morse's first-hand experiences while dealing with multiple Ethnos360 Executives.
Nathan names specific Ethnos Executives (Brian Coombs and Brian Shortmeier) who he says had absolutely no intention of following through with the repeated public promises they made to eradicate the Culture of Silence and cover-ups of child abuse within the mission itself.
Nathan calmly gives details about investigation reports Board Members altered, and other underhanded tactics that these Executives used to cover up the crimes of some 'names' within the Mission Organization who were being protected from being implicated in various crimes that investigators reasonably verified had occurred but remained unpunished.
Our personal observation is that numerous activities by Ethnos Executives which Nathan is describing go beyond "corporate malfeasance". Acts by Leaders to destroy or conceal evidence of Sex Crimes are "themselves" criminal activities.
We cannot look the other way and pretend we do not know!
The link to this 2021 whistle-blower interview is in the next panel below following the rest of the background story.
The first 47 minutes of the interview relates important childhood background information about Nathan and why he is uniquely qualified to break this story of betrayal by men who are current Leaders at Ethnos360.
After Nathan is properly introduced and his credentials established, the interview jumps forward to 2013 when as an adult Abuse Survivor Nathan was asked by Professional Investigators International to participate in a "Review Panel" as an NTM Mk Child Abuse Survivor who could be a type of advocate to ensure fairness on behalf of Abuse Victims within the organization, but who were abused in a completely different country than Nathan.
Mid-interview, Nathan states when he was approached to serve on the "IHART Review Panel" he was not interested in participating in a "witch hunt" against anyone at NTM/Ethnos. We agree with Nathan on that point. "Witch Hunts" rely upon manufactured evidence against innocent people.
As you will learn, "this" evidence against Ethnos Executives is completely real!
Many of the 'Leaver' stories follow a very familiar pattern of "Rules For Thee But Not For The ELT".
We believe that most Loyal E360 Members have no idea that there even 'is' a Retaliation Department at Headquarters. We have proof. Stay tuned.
The Ethnos Truth Project believes that those Executives who may be eventually found guilty of malfeasance (or worse) should not be free to protect their cronies using the "Good Ole Boys Club" completely without regard to the many 100's of innocent NTM Mk Child Abuse Survivors who are still being sacrificed upon the very un-godly altar of "protecting a corporation at all costs".
Public exposure of evil is finally happening and we believe civil and possibly criminal subpoenas for numerous NTM/Ethnos360 Executives will be following in due time as explained over on "Is E360's Board Next?" page of this website.
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