Unfortunately for those seeking truth, Ethnos Leadership often has a different agenda.
As you scroll down this section you will encounter instance after instance where Ethnos360 does not tell the truth.
Like the cartoon shows, ETP 'is' shooting E360's Lies back.
Researchers want to point out that this statement is a perfect example of Ethnos360's clever use of "wordsmithing".
The part of the sentence underlined in red 'is' (almost*) factually correct.
So, what is “dishonest” about the use of a "true" statement you might ask?
Here is the problem... That is a "Partial Truth" which is also a carefully crafted "Lie by Omission".
(*) The reality is that Ethnos has commissioned (ONE) independent review of "historical allegations" which is a very offensive watering down of what is correctly called "Child Sexual and Other Abuse".
That is correct, ONLY ONE truly 'Independent Review" has EVER been "commissioned" by NTM 'or' Ethnos!
The rest were done by IHART which has secretly been controlled by Mission Leadership from the beginning in 2011.
The ONLY truly "independent review" of Child Abuse was the Senegal one done by G.R.A.C.E. in 2010, (which to NTM's horror was released before they could censor the findings of Leadership Culpability for failing to properly address known incidents of Child Sexual and Other Abuse for years).
We believe it is time to expose several other real-world examples of how Ethnos360 Leadership is exploiting the 'impossibility' of Mission Members to hold them accountable for twisting truth into lies.
There are many examples we could choose from which show the consistent pattern of "lies-by-omission" we are highlighting.
When it comes to covering up Child Abuse in plain sight, about the only thing at Ethnos360 that isn't the same as the original NTM is the name of the Corporate Entity. The shameful 'Culture of Silence and Cover-ups' is alive and well at the top of Ethnos which is simply NTM 2.0 run by the same small group of (unaccountable) men.
Consummate Mission Insider, Ethnos360's COO and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Member, Dan Kreider, wrote this (offensively untrue) lie-by-omission to Child Abuse Survivor/Victims on the cover of the November 28, 2022 IHART Summary Report for Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Dan Kreider, CEO Brown, Brian Coombs and others of the Ethnos360 Board are the ones responsible for allowing the start of the PNG IHART Investigation to be delayed from 2011 until 2017. Some are the same men who fought tooth and nail not to hire G.R.A.C.E. to investigate Child Abuse within New Tribes Mission in the first place.
Do you men on the ELT not know that outside of the Mission Bubble you have 'zero' credibility and 100% 'culpability' for the 'results' of your collective Corporate Malfeasance for the mis-handling of "Historical Child Abuse" within NTM?
From the evidence on this website and elsewhere, the Ethnos Truth Project believes that Executives do know, but you do not care because you have another agenda (saving the corporation) which has slowly eroded your Christian Consciences to the point you no longer know right from wrong.
How else does one explain the current situation at the Executive Level of Ethnos360?
"Oh yes... Excellent question that we have completely addressed on our Ethnos360 website! We at Ethnos are relieved to report that nearly all of those decades-old Child Abuse Cases that happened under the old NTM Leadership have been satisfactorily resolved long ago. The final "Jane Doe" Lawsuits were confidentially settled in 2015."
Ethnos Leadership defenders breathlessly continue...
"Since the internet is full of baseless attacks on our revered organization, we have a section of our website regarding Historical Abuse that clearly explains every detail (we think) you should know about the terrible cover-ups of past Child Abuse in NTM. Ethnos360 even publishes a FAQ section where we list several common accusations against us and our (slippery) attorneys, and in the (carefully worded) answers provided online, we give you the 'Ethnos Gospel Truth' to set your minds at ease so you will continue to ignore Ongoing Cover-ups within our Leadership!"
"Thankfully, our Leaders at Ethnos aren't like other missions where their Executive Boards pretended for years that the widespread Child Abuse never even happened (until they were finally exposed as doing massive cover-ups!).
Ethnos360's Leaders would never do such a thing!”
"After all, do you think if there was really anything nefarious going on within the Mission Board that it wouldn't have been discovered and publicized long ago? No Cover-up is 'that' good, is it?"
( Effective satire must be founded on "truth" - the attributes parodied must be literate. We meet both standards here!)
How does Ethnos360 justify investigations of Child Abuse they knew about before 2010 to still be "in progress" in 2023?
Remember, these current Ethnos Leaders are the very same men who have been in charge all along!
In the years since the G.R.A.C.E. Report was handed to them in 2010, NTM/Ethnos360 Executives under CEO Larry Brown, have carefully constructed false historical narratives designed to mislead the membership into believing Executive Leadership has prayerfully and with "Godly Integrity" done all they could for victims of past Child Sexual and other Abuse.
Instead, Collusion became a full-blown Conspiracy (through creating the wholly-controlled IHART Process) ultimately devastating the lives of 100's of innocent NTM Mk's who have been secretly stonewalled and betrayed at every level in their decades-long quest for justice.
The undeniable consequence of NTM Leadership's elaborate efforts shielding "the corporation" from civil liability claims which could have bankrupted the mission has resulted in dozens of Child Predators being completely free to re-offend after being quietly "let go" or to "retire".
Ethnos360 refuses to publicly acknowledge these facts, but we respond here with documented evidence that Ethnos360's Current Executive Leadership Team Members are lying to the world about properly handling NTM Mk Child Abuse*.
(*) Now, if you somehow place a higher value upon saving a Mission Corporation from legitimate civil liability instead of following the Scriptural Principles which Ethnos Leadership preaches but does not follow, then, in that case, these men led by CEO Brown are *Corporate Heroes* to be acclaimed for throwing Abused Missionary Children under the Mission Bus for years and letting their Abusers go unpunished in the process! (Perhaps that is all justifiable “Collateral Damage” to some persons?)
Please look at the Documentation and a Time-Line Calendar before attacking those who are sounding the alarm!
Despite the pious rhetoric coming from Brian Coombs and others at Ethnos360, the sick truth is that many 100's of innocent NTM Mk Child Abuse Survivors are still paying a horrific price for the sins of past and current Mission Executives who have created a "Hidden Leadership Scandal" by conspiring to Cover-up past Cover-ups!
We strongly challenge that pronouncement by the "Non-independent Ethnos360-controlled entity IHART", as being public relations propaganda, and we expect that DOJ and other authorities will need to investigate both "entities" to sort out what has happened. Yes, it is that serious.
Please continue to scroll down to see numerous other “Inconvenient Facts” you should know.
Fact one - IHART was never intended to be “independent”. Ever.
Fact two - IHART's biggest 'function' has been a form of Corporate Liability Control.
Fact three - In 2023 when the Ethnos website still claims they commission “independent reviews of child abuse allegations” thru IHART they are essentially lying thru deception.
Remember here - Ethnos has had 12 years to feed Members and Supporters a false narrative.
Mission Members were never 'allowed' (by HQ) to learn the whole truth we are presenting. Now, courtesy of massive research, the truth is finally available to anyone who looks.
We understand how difficult it is for many NTM/Ethnos Members to accept the documented truth being presented on "The IHART Deception" and "Silence Enables Predators" pages on this website. However, those documents can speak for themselves if Members and Supporters are willing to accept the harsh reality that they are being intentionally deceived by their Current (and Past) Mission Leadership.
We implore Members and Supporters to demand Leadership step down for Malfeasance, and to allow an outside review.
Fact: NTM has never allowed any Abuse Lawsuit to be adjudicated!
It is relatively easy to maintain a perfect record defending against Child Abuse Lawsuits if you are a Mission Corporation with millions of dollars at your disposal to manipulate the outcome! NTM/Ethnos has never faced a Claimant who could afford to take a case to trial including full "document discovery" which Ethnos Leaders must avoid at all cost, lest their lies be exposed.
NTM could, and did, hire teams of lawyers to viciously defend the 3 Jane Doe Sexual Abuse Cases that they couldn't prevent from being filed against NTM in Seminole County, Florida.
The vast majority of Legal Claims that were threatened to be filed against NTM were eventually "Confidentially Settled" with NDA's (aka gag orders) attached which stifles the truth from being told publicly.
Money buys silence, and allows Cover-ups to continue indefinitely.
What is a carefully guarded secret in the bowels of Ethnos360 is that the 3 Jane Doe Cases and an unverified number of the "Confidential Settlements" when combined, actually represent only a 'tiny' percentage of the total legitimate Child Abuse Victims at NTM who number in the many hundreds of innocent children of current and former NTM Members!
Larry Brown, Brian Coombs, Ron Lindsey, Brian Shortmeier, Steve Sanford, Dan Kreider, Dan Falls and many other Ethnos "Executives" know this is a fact.
So do we, and now they are all going to face full exposure for their Cover-ups.
We have pages of court documentation , that the Ethnos ELT doesn't want you to see, available on our "Lawsuit Court Dockets" page.
Our "Documentation" menu has more.
Persons with Godly Discernment should examine all of the evidence aggregated here.
The headline above warning against looking at anything on the Fanda Eagles Forum is "literally" what we were told by multiple Mission Members who had been deceived by Ethnos from the beginning!
"Oh... There are so many false accusations on the Fanda Eagles Forum that our Mission finally had to post a FAQ section on the Ethnos website in order to correct the record! We Members were told to tell everyone to go to the E360 site to see the facts." - Loyal (but clueless) Ethnos360 Members
- Here is the Truth that those Current Mission Members did not know -
Before it was disabled in 2020 due to relentless cyber-attacks, the Fanda Eagles Forum had more than 30,400 posts on over 700 topic "threads" and had more than 2700 registered users!
Is it any wonder why NTM had to make the Fanda Eagles Forum sound TOXIC to Members because NTM Leadership was being publicly exposed as doing evil beginning in 2009?
- This is what our deeper research into Fanda Eagles has found -
Yes, there are "obviously planted" vitriolic comments or false narratives that were posted, presumably to discredit the Fanda Eagles Forum. (Perhaps by those with something to hide? We do not know for sure.)
However... 1) if you look at the totality of what is posted, you can fairly easily discern what is true from what is not. The false info from those questionable posts sticks out as being such, and we ignored the content of those "plants" in our research.
2) The Truth is that, as compared to Fanda Eagles where the falsehoods are typically blatant, the "official version" of the response to Historical Child Abuse that Ethnos presents in their website is very carefully worded to tell part of the truth in such a way that they make factual statements imply a false narrative which is totally deceptive.
3) In order to complete the deception, Ethnos cleverly crafted questions in the FAQ section in a way that they can use non-obvious "parsings" of the words in the Q&A to present "truth" that is actually a lie-by-omission!
(See Lie #7 below for an example of partial truths involving NTM/IHART's Coordinator, Attorney Theresa Sidebotham)
4) If you become familiar with the facts of what was going on in real time as the Fanda Forum progressed, you will discover, like the Ethnos Truth Project has, why Larry Brown and others at HQ had to do all they could to scare their 1000's of very busy Mission Members away from looking at any of that F.E. website because the majority of the serious posts can be proven as factual by cross-checking with other sources! (our researchers have done that cross checking for you and you can learn the truth on the pages of this website if you are willing to examine the documentation we have posted)
Our conclusion is that the Fanda Eagles website is far more accurate than Ethnos360 regarding the treatment of Historical Child Abuse, and actually many other topics as well. (We are talking "orders of magnitude" more accurate!)
Larry Brown, Brian Coombs and other Ethnos Executives are absolutely "lying" to the world on this Abuse Survivor subject! The Ethnos Truth Project will not remain quiet. The whole truth will be told, and Ethnos Leadership is only making their eventual “Walk of Shame” that much harder by failing to acknowledge their own documents and actions.
Based upon the Public Evidence alone, we're demanding they all step down to allow a thorough review. If their actions are “full of integrity” that will be easily demonstrated!
Keep scrolling and you will see documentation of other "Truthful Lies” coming from the Ethnos360 ELT.
You might want to pack a lunch... but then again, you'll feel sick as you learn more.
(*) Wait a minute there Ethnos360 Executive Board...
We seem to have noticed a little 'discrepancy' that you need to explain. (And please support your answer with "proof" instead of only solemn nods and pious assurances)
Ethnos360 is currently under a "Compliance Review" by ECFA's Board.
Your website proclaims that Ethnos360 is "fully compliant with all 7 of the ECFA Member Standards" but we know that the current Ethnos360 Corporate Bylaws prohibit you from meeting ECFA Standard 2 on "Governance".
Actually we're pretty certain that Ethnos isn't "fully compliant' with Standard 7.1 - Truth in Communications either, since this website has many examples.
A violation of one Standard is disqualifying! (or at least ECFA says it should be)
Perhaps, although that is a Job Title which is disputable, but a more precise question would be "what was the first day that Theresa Sidebotham ever provided Legal Counsel or services to New Tribes Mission? "
That question has only 'one' correct answer, and Ethnos has refused to give it.
NTM was very familiar with Theresa Sidebotham's work by 2011 when NTM Chairman Larry Brown and other "NTM Representatives" were recommending her professional legal services to Larry Brown's friend Michael Loftis, the President of the ABWE Baptist Mission, who was also presiding over a Sex Scandal at ABWE Mission.
According to sworn testimony in a 2012 investigation regarding events that happened in 2011, ABWE President Loftis had been calling NTM Chairman Brown for advice on how to keep the ABWE Sex Abuse Scandal from getting out of control.
Mr Loftis trusted Larry Brown to help him navigate the same deep water that NTM had been trying to get behind them following the explosive findings against NTM Leadership in the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report.
It is very eerie to study the similarities in how all of these "Corporate Missions" like ABWE, SBC and our own Ethnos360 are willing to literally throw their abused Mk's overboard and sail off into the future admiring the pretty sunset while the cries of their victims fade away.
Below, you can read the relevant Pg 255 of the 2016 ABWE Pii Report featuring testimony implicating Larry Brown and other NTM men as actively advising what are Cover-ups of known Sex Abuse Cases.
You should also see Pgs 254 and 255 of the ABWE Report along with many other documents over on our “Documentation” page.
We at the Ethnos Truth Project do not understand why Ethnos360 Membership as a whole have not confronted Larry Brown over his willing participation in such Evil.
Read the screen capture above very carefully and you will notice that the original question used the words "do you use money from donors..." to which Ethnos replies "no", but then in the bottom paragraph they slip in an extra qualifying word in their denial which changes everything!
The words in the last part of the answer, "designated funds from donors are not used..." does not exclude "undesignated" donor funds from being used relating to Abuse Investigations. As written, (and in reality) this opens the door that Ethnos may use donor funds after all, just not funds that are designated for something else, which designations Ethnos mostly* respects (*but not always in the case of fundraising projects such as "Disaster Relief" which is covered elsewhere on this website)
Stick with us here, this is more important than you might think!
For one thing, when it comes to funds which are used for "Historical Investigations" or "Confidential Settlements" (aka paying off Child Abuse Victims to add NDA (gag orders) to the Settlements), Ethnos360 apparently does not want to acknowledge that all funds which Ethnos360 incorporated manages 'originally' came from donors to the Mission in the first place! The fact that Ethnos may have realized capital gains on real estate sold or interest earned on "investments" does not invalidate the point that all assets of the Mission since 1942 came from donors.
These types of technicalities and 'parsing' of word meanings are prevalent in Ethnos360 communications. As we explore elsewhere on the website, we think Ethnos is practically begging to be sued over this issue of extreme secrecy regarding the true costs and source of funds used for investigations and Confidential Settlements (monetary payoffs) of Child Abuse Cases.
Perhaps everyone should ask Ethnos Leadership how that "shell game" approach to paying for Abuse Cases worked out for the Executive Board over at RZIM Ministries? RZIM is currently being sued by angry donors who learned that donated funds had been secretly used to pay off and defend Sex Abuse Cases with the knowledge of the RZIM Board. Be careful Ethnos360!
So, to re-cap what just happened in our highlighted screenshot, Ethnos gives a very misleading answer to the question that is actually a Lie-By-Omission which leads the readers to believe that "no" donor funds are used in relation to Abuse Cases, something we dispute with facts.
Footnote - if Ethnos indignantly quadruples down on their unsubstantiated claims that no donor funds were 'ever' used for anything related to Investigations or Settlements of Child Abuse Cases, let us know and we will drop a little more truth onto the site and we can see what happens to their clever stories then.
Now, before we go further, if you are wondering why we are highlighting something that at first glance appears to be unimportant or "nit-picking", there is a very specific reason this is such a "hot button" topic at Ethnos which they have taken incredible steps to cover up.
It involves untold millions upon millions of dollars of expenditures of Mission Funds which are being used to defend, cover up and minimize how horrific the Abuse Problem at NTM really was. Leadership's actions indicate that they feared the truth would terminate the corporation.
We are not, not, not accusing any persons in Leadership of hiding the expenditures for personal gain, there is no evidence of that to our knowledge. However, if these expenditures are all legitimate but too embarrassing to admit to Mission Members and Donors, in our judgement and opinion this is a very stupid Corporate Board decision which is being unraveled.
Yes, it is all "God's Money" in the first place, but we are highlighting that the true dollar amount is only known by a handful of men within Ethnos, and those who know desperately do not want to be the subject of a forensic outside audit because then they will be required to explain it all publicly anyway.
Wouldn't it have been much better for Leadership to have been honest with Members in the first place?
It is not too late for Leaders to "come clean", but the window is closing.
Why do men who claim to be "walking in integrity" need to hide their actions? Let's all ask them!
On your website you claim that any allegations of Child Abuse deserve serious attention, and yet it took IHART until December of 2023 to complete "investigations" of Child Abuse Cases that Brian Shortmeier told Abuse Survivors were turned over to IHART in 2011. Where is the justification for such delays? Relatively few Survivors participated in the IHART World investigation, and ETP has been contacted by 'participants' who dispute E360's claim that they reached out to all known Abuse Survivors. ETP has received numerous allegations that E360 "knowingly" did not make a good faith attempt to reach out to all victims AND that there are more recent Child Abuse Cases which were not acknowledged. Time will reveal all.
Not only that, Ethnos Executives, you had the legal and Fiduciary Responsibility to oversee and ensure that Child Abuse Claims are handled in a reasonable manner!
Mr Shortmeier is being called out on his personal "name and shame" page for failing to follow up on Abuse Cases he had personal knowledge of before IHART was even created. But this is even worse.
If it is true that all Child Abuse Case Files were turned over to IHART in 2011, what excuses will the Executive Board come up with to explain current dishonesty? This appears to be Corporate Malfeasance, and we want to see an independent investigation of the Ethnos360 Board including complete financial audits for the entire time you have been in charge of this ungodly mess.
Ethnos, regarding those "audited financials" we want to see many questions truthfully addressed. (Due to their well-proven "untruthful" histories, this eliminates Larry Brown and Brian Coombs from being the ones doing the explaining)
Any discussion of "audited financials" has to include an acknowledgement by everyone involved that the audits are only as good as the numbers the auditors were provided. Auditing figures provided from clients (even Missions) that have had certain categories of revenues and expenditures "massaged" only confirms that the massaged numbers added up, but does nothing whatsoever to prove the records reflect reality.
While looking over several of those "audited financial reports" we noticed a list of "anomalies" relating to the annual projections of Future Liabilities.
Perhaps Ethnos could clarify for everyone how it is that the projected Future Liabilities never seem to be reduced despite unknown sums of money being funneled to IHART annually (for 12 years now) with no questions answered, and no legitimate proofs being offered despite public calls for transparency.
What happened to the promises Mission Executives made to NTM's Child Abuse Survivors back in 2010 that NTM would work tirelessly to investigate every case that was brought forward?
Does Ethnos expect us to believe that Mission Executives are justified allowing a dozen years of "investigations" into what Ethnos Executives know are just a small fraction of the total Child Abuse Cases at NTM in the first place?
That looks more like a "Cover Story" than the truth.
As Members and Supporters of Ethnos we are embarrassed and even offended at Leadership offering useless assurances that prove nothing except that Ethnos is hiding things from us.
As with many subjects that Ethnos Leadership is confronted on, it is very doubtful Ethnos HQ would agree to any sort of public debate about even 10 of the 70 or more public allegations against them.
Ethnos knows that in any sort of setting that Ethnos360 cannot fully control, they will lose the arguments on the facts. ETP cannot find where anyone had E360 Leaders put under oath, and so apart from subpoenas, they can lie with impunity. And they do. Regularly.
Check our "INTIMIDATE THEN RETALIATE" page where documented examples of violations of the 'No Retaliation' lie are posted.
The answer is that Ethnos360's "Good Men" on Executive Boards over the years supported Lies-By-(A)Mission instead of taking a firm stand for Truth.
Patiently explore this website to discover other "Truthful Lies” we were told by men we thought were Godly Leaders, but whose secret actions tell a completely different story.
As the Ministry Watch Graphic shows, transparency is lacking at Ethnos and it is likely that without a complete purge of Leadership, Donor Confidence will plummet further.
If you Executives want to prove you are not the Corporate Criminals that evidence we have seen, and your track records point to, then you should immediately cooperate with calls for your resignations. Then, agree to convene a truly independent review of your actions by a legitimate outside entity such as Guidepost Solutions has done for several other organizations caught doing similar dishonest and even illegal things trying to preserve their "Ministries".
We do not like having to deliver this sharply-worded warning message. However, unlike you in Mission Leadership who have told so many clever lies that you cannot keep them all straight, 'we' who are making these allegations can prove our assertions with actual facts (plus a simple calendar!)
If you Leaders decide to 'circle the wagons' at HQ and deny reality, then this sad situation for Ethnos will get even worse as State and Federal Authorities eventually get around to doing the same investigations but without a Godly viewpoint.
On this website we have assembled an astonishing amount of incriminating documentation penned over the years by numerous NTM/Ethnos Executives who are still respected members of the Mission.
You men in Mission Leadership had 'one' job to do which was tell the Truth. Your record shows you have failed miserably.
Copyright © 2023 - 2025 Cover-Ups of Cover-Ups ETHNOS360 LEADERSHIP SCANDAL- All Rights Reserved.