NBC News did their homework, E360 continues their deception and they've been caught red-handed.
The new Abuse Lawsuit is public record.
Ethnos Truth Project is being vindicated.
Ethnos Truth Project has been coordinating with Law Enforcement and requesting Federal Criminal Investigations into E360 Leadership since May of 2024.
"We were deeply troubled to read the allegations... in the Complaint."
NO, Ethnos360, you were NOT deeply troubled, unless it was to determine how you could thwart justice and do all you could to protect the Corporation instead of innocent kids.
In fact, several E360 Leaders knew about these and many other similar allegations for 'years' but you chose to stonewall and even interfere with legitimate outside inquiries by various Authorities and even Law Enforcement in your desperate attempt to "protect God's work" at literally 'any' cost, including breaking laws.
"We consulted with multiple external resources in our handling of this matter". Yes, that part 'is' true, and revealed in the Lawsuit Complaint, is the appalling dishonesty of referring the minor Alleged ABUSER to E360's own "fixer" Attorney Teresa Sidebotham, who "investigated" and then helped E360 avoid repercussions as long as possible, just has she has done while leading your own (sham) "IHART process" since 2014.
ETP doesn't know if any laws were broken in the process, but we 'do' point out the appearance of unethical actions.
(* When ETP has openly warned E360 that "Insurance Policies Exist" we are not joking. There are MANY persons within or known to ETP who have such "insurance" in case E360 decides they want to go to the next level. Some of you men deserve to go to prison, after a fair trial of course.)
Researcher notes - Ethnos Truth Project has documented other "solo investigations" of alleged Sexual Abuse done by Brian Coombs as early as 2013.
Discovery and depositions will be very interesting.
Considering the evidence of malfeasance (wrongdoing), ETP does not understand how 'any' of these men are allowed to remain 'Members' of E360, let alone have Corporate Titles.
Both Coombs and Brown are implicated in other pending litigation which will also be shocking to their blind supporters, who have no idea what has secretly been going on at Sanford HQ.
NOTE - Even when ETP has evidence, all persons named are to be considered "Innocent, until proven guilty".
See the Lawsuit Court Docket Page for a Link to the fresh Lawsuit Complaint.
Scroll on down to learn the sad truth.
DECEMBER 2024 UPDATE - As shown in the screenshots at the top of this page, E360 followed their old playbook to use the Members-only eNews in an effort to mislead 1000's of E360 Field Missionaries and Supporters into believing this latest lawsuit has no merit, which is going to become a very uncomfortable position as additional lawsuits are filed, and Ethnos Truth Project publishes additional documentation to expose the lies from Corporate Mission HQ.
After the initial publication of this website in 2023, E360 also sent out a series of deceptive and false assurances and eventually complete denials of 'any' wrongdoing by Leadership to all Members using the eNEWS internal email platform.
In a stunningly brazen (Lie by Deception?) in August of 2023, E360 implied that an "outside law firm" had reviewed the allegations made here against E360 Leadership, and cleared them. THAT IS NOT TRUE. The law firm merely reviewed the 'report' generated by the (sham) internal Review Team and declared the "review process" to be legitimate.
Will E360 disclose how much they paid Wagonmaker & Oberly to "rubber-stamp" such blatant lies?
(* AT THE OUTSET it is vital to understand that ONGOING Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) within Ethnos360 has been ENABLED by Leadership's obsession to prevent public scandal "For the sake of the Gospel". Survivor Families and Whistle-Blowers have provided Ethnos Truth Project with documentation and statements alleging that 'many' Sex Abuse Cases in the USA and Overseas which were documented to E360 Leadership, WERE NOT REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW. E360 has refused to acknowledge allegations of "non-reporting of CSA", and now Law Enforcement has begun investigations into not only the unreported cases, BUT ALSO potential violations of "Mandatory Reporting Laws".)
KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSONS TELL ETP - "One excuse E360 Leadership gives for failing to refute these very serious allegations posted by Ethnos Truth Project on this (banned) .Info website, is a tactical decision that if HQ addresses 'any' allegation, they can no longer claim that the 'entire' website is a "baseless attack". Plus, engaging ETP on any level would serve to 'legitimize' the website which E360 refuses to risk doing, so, 'ignore it completely' has been the official E360 public response for a year".
FOREWORD - The sad truth is that since 2008 a core group of respected men serving as Executives under the NTM/ETHNOS360 banner have used the enormous power of the Mission Corporation to hide numerous un-godly actions that they refuse to admit, lest their years of subtle lies and deceit be exposed.
Ethnos360 "Mission" is actually a COMPLEX CORPORATION claiming to be a Church for IRS purposes. Why all the Financial secrecy, especially on the topic of numerous "Confidential Settlements" following multiple Abuse Investigations?
All attempts to resolve this hidden scandal internally over the years have been met with stonewalling and even outright hostility towards those who speak (or even seek) the Truth.
Other Whistle-Blowers provided documentation that show Mission Members who confronted Leadership internally were retaliated against. These are ALLEGATIONS brought to ETP from the outside, we are not the source. We at ETP are merely MESSENGERS who are sounding an alarm.
We at the Ethnos Truth Project were in those same shoes before we finally discovered the awful Truth that many things we have been told for years by our Executive Leadership about numerous serious topics including Abuse has not been completely truthful. In reality, behind the Board Room doors, actual evil has been done in the zeal to "protect God's work".
One falsehood leads to another until the complicated web of lies by the Executive Leadership results in the present hidden crisis that is being exposed so that it can be ended.
The objective of the Ethnos Truth Project is to see to it that the 'whole truth' is made public and not just the carefully-crafted, (inaccurate) narratives published by Ethnos360 Leadership which are designed to protect the viability of the "Corporate Machine" at any cost.
1) It has been revealed that Law Enforcement (LE) recently contacted Ethnos Truth Project seeking additional documentation to support multiple allegations being made in the course of Criminal Abuse Investigations. The allegations LE has received are that 'some' Ethnos360 Leaders had been made personally aware, months or years prior, that there were legitimate suspicions that Child Abuse was occurring and which needed to be reported as mandated by law, but they were not, and instead, the offenders were shielded.
2) It is further alleged to LE that one or more of these E360 Leaders failed to take appropriate action under the law to prevent a continuation of Abuse in multiple instances. It is the job of Authorities to determine what has occurred based upon evidence that LE obtains from all sources and ETP is not involved except to cooperate fully.
3) As a result of 1-2 above, ETP has has been flooded with new Whistle-Blower Tips giving additional background information on multiple alleged Abuse cases with the explicit understanding that ETP would be providing that information to assist LE in expanding their investigations. In order to make it easier for visitors to this website to stay up to date, in the Header next to HOME there is a new Pull-down Menu "WHAT'S THE LATEST?" where you can see breaking updates.
1) There is a tremendous amount of information, documentation and links to supporting evidence which ETP has posted throughout this website. Some people feel overwhelmed by information overload, so to help manage the sheer volume of evidence, this website has individual stand-alone topic pages in the menu. There is no single "correct way" to work thru all of the material in any chronological order but it is all inter-related.
2) Simply keep an open mind and explore different topics using the pull-down menus. Take advantage of the embedded hot-links in the text where you can hover over the links to see where they lead.
3) Use discernment and logic to compare what you may 'think' you know about these topics (and the men who are responsible) in contrast to what becomes obvious if you examine the evidence presented throughout this site. Unfortunately, Ethnos Leadership has misled everyone on a great number of subjects, and they have completely covered up lots of uncomfortable facts that they would rather not have to answer for.
4) Ask yourself, if Leaders are "walking in integrity" why is it that Ethnos360 leadership has gone to such extraordinary lengths to censor and try to scare Members and Supporters away from investigating for themselves the Truth about more than 70 different topics "aggregated" and published here? The vast majority of the Documentation on this .info website was publicly available all along (BUT EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO LOCATE). This is not about "digging up dirt", it is about forcing actual transparency and accountability at the top of ETHNOS360 where there is almost none of either at present.
5) No doubt, you may encounter scores of topics that are addressed in detail with full documentation provided which you may never have even realized existed. On their official website, Ethnos makes bold claims about what they have done, yet even when directly challenged, there is virtually 'no' documentation ever provided to support E360's strong denials of ALL wrongdoing by Executive Leadership.
This is only one of many brave New Tribes Mission* Child Abuse Survivors who have been trying to sound the alarm to Ethnos Members that the top Leadership of Ethnos360 is engaging in a massive series of Abuse Cover-ups.
(*) NTM was re-branded as Ethnos360 in 2017.
Please continue scrolling. We'll provide you the direct link to the explosive 2021 YouTube interview further down.
This is very simple, either the documents posted or linked here are genuine, or they are not. Until we see proof otherwise, we continue to stand on the overall accuracy of our research.
Blanket denials of this website published in the E360 eNews without actual proof, and publishing even more "partial truths" on the Ethnos website as a defense, are distractions being made by leaders who are valiantly defending their past lies by attacking any persons who point them out.
Retaliation against mission members who speak truth to power is a well-documented tactic by NTM/Ethnos that has led to a long string of "Quiet Leavers" who were threatened and bullied into resigning rather than submitting to a corrupt Leadership which operates without meaningful oversight.
As an unintended consequence, E360 has created a growing number of "Quiet Remainers" who 'know' but stay, for now.
The 'most egregious' case recently, is of a 53-year missionary couple who had announced their retirement and who had paid the 50% deposit* towards possession of the Duplex at "THE HOMES" retirement complex which had been allocated to them, to be occupied in January of 2024.
When these missionaries refused to accept 'explanations' from Executive Leadership which they had reason to believe were at best misleading, Ethnos banned them from their retirement housing and gave them a deadline to RESIGN (or presumably, be FIRED). Leadership firmly denies the ban was an act of "retaliation". ETP thinks the facts suggest otherwise.
(*) Without permission beforehand, and against their stated wishes, E360 returned the 50% Duplex deposit to the missionaries, 'unilaterally' terminating ongoing discussions regarding 'options'.
This is Emotional and Spiritual Abuse that is taking place at the hands of Corporate Mission Leaders who have gotten away with this un-godly practice for far too long.
Given the lack of leadership accountability, and the fact that Ethnos tightly controls the flow of information to Field Missionaries, very few Members and Supporters ever learn the truth about why some fellow Members left the Mission.
Is Ethnos Leadership that afraid Mission Members will finally learn the Truth about numerous "Uncomfortable Questions" which Ethnos360 Leadership refuses to answer truthfully?
Is E360 Leadership "walking in integrity and transparency"?
Please patiently examine all of the evidence that follows, and with discernment make up your own minds.
Keep in mind, Truth is Truth, no matter who brings it to light. or
If the new information we receive is fully and transparently accurate, the Ethnos Truth Project will post it along with a retraction of anything proven to be incorrect which was previously published in good faith.
For concise answers to the most common questions we have received regarding this website and the reason it is being published, please visit our Ethnos Truth Project FAQ's
Unlike the website, we actually 'solicit' input and corrections from our readers!
*** Many Missions-minded visitors are not aware that there are 'any' serious "Public Allegations of Wrongdoing" against Ethnos360 Leadership, let alone dozens and dozens which Ethnos HQ has deflected or covered-up entirely clear to the present day. Take a minute to Google "Ethnos360+Abuse+Info" then simply scroll down through the search results. You will soon discover why Ethnos does not want anyone to use this website to more easily understand what they have been hiding or 'explaining away' for years. ***
HOWEVER, if you are caught in a lie, then you are a "Liar".
If you Conspire with others to carry out Child Abuse Cover-ups, then you are a "Co-conspirator".
If you wrote deceptive partial truths to Members and Supporters, then you are a "Deceiver", and you deserve to be referred to by your "fruits" instead of a "nicer" but less-descriptive title.
Unfortunately for the squeamish in our midst, there is no less-harsh way to make allegations of Gross Malfeasance (or worse) against Mission Leadership other than to actually name the persons who can be identified as being involved in (or responsible for) the wrongdoing we uncovered.
As a reminder, Matthew 23:27 refers to persons who were like "Whited Sepulchres" so the Ethnos Truth Project is not the first to tell it like it is!
The above being said, we believe that we have chosen a fair and transparent way to justify such serious allegations, which is, to post documentation and other evidence which we believe is authentic, and then to openly solicit corrections or verifiable off-setting evidence from 'anyone'.
NEXT, contrary to the "whisper campaign" coming from the top at Ethnos360, this website is securely hosted on 'Go Daddy' and the only 'virus' you will encounter on this website is "The Whole Truth", something which history shows apparently frightens Ethnos360 Mission Leadership.
Publicizing factual public information which is potentially embarrassing to Ethnos Executives is necessary in order to offset years of intentional deception by a small core of men at the top of the Mission. It is those same men who are the “authors” of the (deceptive) documentation posted here.
ETP Researchers have simply “collected” the information and piled it in one convenient place, so it can be “examined and analyzed” to discern TRUTH as opposed to NARRATIVES.
... the Ethnos Truth Project is demonstrating, with evidence, that this "What are the reasons for silence?" post from August of 2013 describes exactly the "Remaining Silent" situation within Ethnos360 Mission in 2024.
We suggest that all of this "Big Brother" truth censoring by "Mission Central" in Sanford is explained by the revelation further below that Ethnos360 Leadership has been under investigation for various forms of Corporate Malfeasance which has yielded the very large database of evidence and supporting documents that are now "aggregated" here.
Several "Quiet Leavers", former Mission Members who simply left the Mission after failing to get Leadership to respond to their grave concerns about various topics that are now being raised on this website, have contacted us (some anonymously, but others with their real names, having nothing to fear from HQ now).
"Leavers" say they know of "Quiet Remainers" who are currently-serving Ethnos360 Members scattered all around the world who have witnessed the ruthless retaliatory actions of failed men in Mission Leadership. 'Remainers' have quietly stayed on the field without ever rocking the boat at HQ in order to continue their dedicated work while trusting God to eventually bring about a purge of presently unaccountable Mission Leadership in Sanford.
This endless Spiritually Abusive Cycle at Mission HQ against all who question them needs to be broken.
This Ethnos Truth Project website is a Database/Resource which is continually being updated with new documentation and "hot links" embedded in the text which lead the reader directly to the topic or specific documentation which supports the (admittedly jarring) information being presented. The only attacks here are against Lies and Distortions by Ethnos.
(Simply hover over the highlighted text to see where each link leads, both on and off this website.)
We also suggest that visitors bookmark "What's The Latest?" (once you bookmark, just hit "back" to return here).
This "Ethnos Truth Project" is exactly that. If Ethnos360 or any other person has legitimate exculpatory documentation to submit, they should do so, and we will issue appropriate corrections if necessary.
There are a great many topics of concern covered here, so please patiently explore the supporting documentation.
Recent whistle-blowers have made us aware of other allegations besides those which have been posted so far. The whole truth will be published and then it will become more clear to everyone what has happened.
Several men who are currently Ethnos360 Executives were also Executives under the NTM corporate name back in 2009 when they promised to transparently end the coverups of child abuse against NTM Mk's (Missionary Kids) that had been committed in many foreign countries by numerous members of NTM long before Larry Brown was named Chairman of NTM in 2007.
Those Mission Executives relentlessly broke their public promises, however few persons besides the 100's of Abuse Survivors ever knew what has happened behind the scenes in the years since.
Ethnos360 convinced us that all was being resolved. That is false.
For the first time ever, extensive documentation, whistle-blower testimony, court records and other solid evidence of 'ongoing' large scale Child Abuse Cover-ups by Ethnos360 Executives has been gathered in one convenient place.
In their misplaced zeal to protect NTM from civil liability and lawsuits stemming from decades of Child Abuse which could potentially bankrupt New Tribes Mission, instead of transparently ending the "Historical Child Abuse Cover-ups" like they repeatedly promised, NTM Chairman (now Ethnos CEO) Larry Brown and other Mission Executives actually weaponized NDA's, collusion, conspiracy and corporate malfeasance (wrongdoing) against 100's of NTM Child Abuse Survivors whose voices have been ruthlessly silenced by NTM/Ethnos360 for decades.
As documented on "The IHART Deception" page, what began as simple collusion (an agreement by NTM executives) to cover up and then minimize the continuation of past Child Abuse Cover-ups following the devastating 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report, has morphed into a convoluted web of lies and a conspiracy of deceit that few Ethnos 360Mission Members and Supporting Churches would believe is even possible. at an Evangelical Mission.
(Note that we researchers did not want to believe this information at first, either. We had no idea initially.)
Certainly the 100's of Mk Child Abuse Survivors knew that virtually everything that NTM Members were being told about their decades-long quest for justice by various NTM Executives like CEO Larry Brown, Brian Shortmeier and then Brian Coombs, Dan Kreider, Ron Lindsey, Dan Falls, and Ethnos CEO-In-Waiting Steve Sanford was a lie all along, because the Survivors were living the nightmare of being betrayed by the men who had promised reforms.
Unfortunately, the Survivors had no public platform to tell their stories aside from the forum. For years, Survivors did their best to counter the false narratives continually being published as "Gospel" by the NTM Corporate Machine which controlled the flow of information being given to Members and the public.
As far as we can determine, until now the majority of the 1000's of fine Ethnos360 Members who are the Real Mission, have had absolutely no idea what has been going on behind the board-room doors back in Sanford Florida.
Instead of the Whole Truth, tearful letters and annual updates published by Executives were full of carefully written partial truths which are actually lies-by-omission.
Before the reader dismisses this unfamiliar and jarring information as being "sour grapes by enemies of the gospel" let us provide some additional background and context in the next paragraphs to explain why it is that we are unveiling these very serious allegations against a group of men who are respected and even revered in Ethnos360.
Reverence for Leadership that is based solely upon "outward appearances and personal reputations" may not be accurate.
During this investigation, it has become clear that almost no-one outside E360 Leadership is aware of the actual extent of the on-going corporate-level malfeasance our research has uncovered.
Literally every stone we looked under at Ethnos HQ had an anomaly that requires further research. Why is that?
ECFA is the acronym for the "Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability" a paid membership organization whose purpose is to offer "accreditation" to its 2600 members who must certify annually that they are in conformity with "Seven Standards" which are designed to give financial donors confidence that a particular "ministry" has proper outside oversight and financial accountability. This is a valuable service as long as both parties adhere to what is published to the public.
Where E360 is being called out by ETP and many others is THEIR FAILURE TO DISCLOSE TO POTENTIAL DONORS that they DO NOT meet the requirements for ECFA Members for the published ECFA Standard 2 which requires a certain level of "Independent Outside Governance" which E360 has NEVER met.
Despite warnings that this 'may be' a type of fraud, 'neither' E360 nor ECFA have fully disclosed E360's secret non-compliance. In addition , E360 is also alleged to be in violation of other Standards.
Visit the ECFA FRAUD? page to learn more.
As in the screenshot, the Christian ministry ratings organization MINISTRY WATCH discovered that Ethnos360 Executives have not been entirely forthright on Ministry Watch questionnaires which are used to develop something they call a "Donor Confidence Score". This is a number scale between 1 and 100.
Ethno360s is presently rated at a dismal '30', "Withhold Giving".
Not only that, Ethnos Leaders have managed to earn a 'D' Transparency Grade, partly because E360 does not publish annual IRS 990 financial disclosures.
History shows that these are giant RED FLAGS for donors! The amount of "Partial Truth" deceit by E360 is shocking.
Visit the Ministry Watch Downgrades page to learn more.
If Ethnos360 is falsely inflating their "ministry ratings" or mis-representing their outside accountability through use of an ECFA accreditation they do not meet, isn't that sleight-of-hand from Sanford possibly a form of financial fraud?
ETP's role here is to call out the "appearance of evil".
Our "deep dive" research indicates they are each potentially very important to draw comparisons between what the Executive Boards at the Southern Baptist Convention and the late Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) have been caught doing because there are numerous striking similarities to what ETP will prove has gone on at Ethnos360 under Larry Brown.
(CEO Larry Brown is *not* being accused of personal impropriety at this time, however, he has presided over a very dishonest Leadership during his overly long CEO tenure at NTM/Ethnos360)
ETP implores readers to examine the researched information posted on the "Is E360's Board Next?" page.
After Ravi Zacharias passed away in 2020, angry donors discovered that RZIM's Executive Board knew that money was secretly being diverted to defend against and/or buy silence from sex abuse victims. The donors filed something called a "donor Clawback Lawsuit" claiming that the RZIM Executive Board knew the truth for years but remained silent.
Ethnos Executives beware, you have 'also' hidden numbers of Historical Abuse Cases for many years and then entered into an unknown number of "Confidential Settlements" to keep the details secret from your Members and Donors.
Everyone interested in the viability of Ethnos360 going forward should study this subject because Ethnos Executives are risking being RZIM'd.
It is not an accident that we call this "The Hidden Leadership Scandal at Ethnos360". Leadership DEFIANTLY refused all previous demands to publish the whole truth so we are doing it for them.
Everything we are alleging here is fully documented. After 1000's of hours of meticulous research, and with enormous help from many brave whistle-blowers (who have ignored their NDA's) the evidence against Ethnos Leadership is finally *available* for everyone here.
If any criminal indictments* ever flow to current or former executives at Ethnos360 from this corruption, it will be because their own lying words and actions indicted them. We researchers are merely shining a spotlight on what has been done in secret.
(*) It is a fact that the FBI is investigating the Executive Committee at SBC for similar Abuse Cover-ups as E360 is alleged to be doing. Indictments are coming, perhaps at BOTH organizations!
Once we understood more about the true extent of the internal problems at Ethnos360, we determined that publishing raw documentation 'alone' was not particularly useful without adding necessary context and sometimes extended explanations of why each document is important as it relates to what was going on either publicly or secretly within NTM/Ethnos360.
It is the cumulative weight of the available evidence that compels us to boldly speak out and demand full accountability from the men who are responsible to represent Ethnos360.
We do not take these serious allegations lightly, and neither should anyone else who values Harsh Truths above Soothing Lies and Deep Secrets which are what has led to this crisis.
A handful of Ethnos360 Executive Leadership are being investigated for potentially criminal Corporate Malfeasance.
(AKA very serious wrongdoing in an official corporate capacity)
Certainly, persons being "investigated" is not a pre-determination of individual guilt or innocence, it is merely an initial examination of facts to understand what has occurred.
In our opinion, based upon the massive documented evidence we have seen, this is a problem within Ethnos Mission Leadership. The Ethnos360 Mission itself, like the rest of us, is a victim of what has been done in secret by a few men at Mission HQ.
All of this was done without our knowledge or our consent.
In the case of Ethnos360, if you look at the actual documentation we present, you will see that with the help of skilled lawyers and 'wordsmiths' Ethnos has masterfully been able to use "Partial Truths" to mislead the readers into believing a version of events surrounding "Historical Child Abuse within NTM" that is simply not true.
The reality in 2024 is that Abuse within Ethnos360 never stopped. Leadership just became more adept at making everyone believe it was "in the past" and "E360 is a different organization now". That is a lie.
Truthfully, what they're secretly doing is using the cover of "The IHART Process" to shield the organization from lawsuits. Silence and routine "non-reporting"of known Abuse to avoid scandals is actually "enabling the abusers".
Silence is not golden. Sometimes it is criminal.
Because the amount of deception and even outright lies that ETP has accumulated with the help of many Whistle-Blowers and anonymous tipsters is so large, this database website is very large. There is no 'correct way' to learn the Truth. Just pick a topic!
Ethnos Truth Project is using E360's own words and documents to burn down the false narratives that E360 Leadership has skillfully used to hide the Truth about what ETP alleges is Corporate Corruption cloaked in Spirituality.
Fearful Members doubting this type of wrongdoing is even possible, "because we know these men", does not alter the reality that is being documented on this website!
Before we continue exposing what evil has been carefully whitewashed by men at the top of NTM/ETHNOS360, we need to address and acknowledge the fact that until there is a proper investigation with subpoena powers, what is being laid out on this website are 'ALLEGATIONS' of wrongdoing by numerous past and present Executive Leaders who may have varying degrees of culpability and/or defenses of their individual actions.
Everyone who has ever served in an Executive capacity is tainted by the overwhelming 'appearance of impropriety' of the Executive Boards as a whole, but they are certainly entitled to be able to make a proper personal defense for their own actions if they 'can' provide proof they did not have knowledge of what may have been done by others on the Ethnos Executive Board.
Mere verbal or written denials of culpability are not 'necessarily' valid, and given the scope of the 'corporate wrongdoing' being exposed, any person with discernment should demand full accountability from these Leaders and not just blindly accept tearful denials with no legitimate proof provided as is their practice.
For additional insights please continue reading below.
There is solid evidence that the Executive Leaders at Ethnos360 often preach one standard of conduct to Members, but then practice another at the Executive Level behind closed doors.
The official communications coming from the Executive Leadership Team under CEO's Larry Brown and now Steve Sanford often have not reflected what simultaneously was going on *in secret* behind the scenes. Shockingly dishonest steps were (and are still) being taken by Mission Leaders to protect Ethnos Inc by any means necessary.
The evidence we have posted shows that deceptions and even outright lies are commonplace within Ethnos HQ.
Pages 3 - 7 of this 17-page document on the Ethnos360 website bearing the signature of Exec Brian Coombs are cleverly worded partial truths designed to mislead the reader into believing that current leaders of Ethnos360 have resolved the "historical child abuse" which had occurred under the old New Tribes Mission corporate name.
This is not true. Continue scrolling to learn what actually happened, and why it is important in 2024 and beyond.
(*) The GRACE Report in 2010 and Jane Doe Lawsuits 2011 – 2015 cited instances of NTM Leadership and their attorneys ordering some Child Abuse Files destroyed.
In 2021, an Ethnos whistle-blower named Nathan Morse gave a video interview (linked below) where he describes details of the mass-incineration of Child Abuse Evidence by an NTM Counselor in Missouri.
In fact, these Leaders have engaged in systematic stonewalling of Abuse Survivors and then they launched 'new' Cover-ups instead using the “IHART Process”, which was secretly controlled and manipulated.
Bluntly put, they lied to everyone. For years.
Skip to the 47-minute mark in this explosive YouTube video interview from 2021 to hear the shocking details which present-day Ethno360 Leadership does not want made known. Nate calls out multiple CURRENT E360 Leaders by name has having knowledge of Abuse and then refusing to act and instead lied to Survivors.
In ETP's opinion, the men who are covering up this information need to be exposed, and then investigated by State and Federal authorities. which is not our job.
Unfortunately, the criminal events cited in the video are not the only ones ETP has been made aware of.
It is a fact, just as Abuse Survivors have written, Ethnos360 has done a great deal to hide the uncomfortable truth from everyone, especially from Mission Members and Mission Supporters who should be appalled at the terrible deception coming from Sanford HQ all these years. Perhaps they are not aware yet?
Keep in mind that 100's of NTM Mk's who were the victims of scores of Child Predators over the years have been desperately trying to get the attention of the Mission Membership at large for more than 13 years, with almost no success.
Unfortunately, the Survivors lacked the resources necessary to adequately publicize their plight. Most Members probably do not know that, as recently as February of 2019, following the Today Show segment we linked on the "Recent Whistle-Blowing" page, the Survivors wrote a very well-documented letter they asked Ethnos to forward to the supporting church pastors to counter the very misleading "denial letter" Larry Brown had sent pastors as "damage control".
Despite the leadership's many professions of "caring deeply" for Abuse Survivors, Ethnos360 flatly refused to forward the Mk's letter to correct the record, and they even refused to disclose the recipients of Larry Brown's deception!
Ask yourselves, are these the actions of Godly men "walking in integrity"? Before you decide, we suggest that you look into the evidence below regarding Larry Brown and other Ethnos Executives' participation in the Cover-up of the Sex Abuse Scandal at ABWE mission which we highlight for you below. Yes, that actually happened, but few Members know the real story.
Multiple Ethnos Mission Executives were found to have been advising CEO Larry Brown's friend Michael Loftis, the embattled ABWE Mission President, on how to maintain control of the flow of information to keep the sexual abuse scandal of Dr Donn Ketcham at ABWE from exploding with the resulting threat of widespread abuse victim lawsuits.
During this same time-frame (2011) NTM was also quietly fighting behind the scenes to avoid their own Abuse Survivor Lawsuits, while publicly the NTM leadership claimed they were "walking in integrity". (Those are their words, not ours)
Larry Brown is cited in the ABWE Investigation testimony for sharing his expertise in scandal management. Larry and the other Reps from NTM counseled ABWE to "run from G.R.A.C.E." (The truly independent abuse investigation group) because ABWE would need to "control the flow of information"presumably in order for ABWE to contain the scandal.
Who else in the Ethnos orbit makes an important appearance in that ABWE Pii investigation?
None other than attorney Theresa Sidebotham, who in 2014 went on to be "installed" as the new (non)independent coordinator of IHART! This is all about scandal control. No indication in the report that Larry Brown actually cared about preventing more sex abuse victims which is no surprise, since his actions at NTM/Ethnos have shown a very similar lack of concern for MKs in his own Mission.
"Oh the tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"
Our research indicates that Ethnos Executives display a disturbing lack of ethics.
NTM Abuse Survivors have pointed out for years that other Mission Organizations have done far more than Ethnos has to make sure that admitted Child Abusers who they quietly dismissed are not allowed to prey upon other innocent children.
The SBC's June 14, 2023 announcement of a new Sexual Abuser Public Database just confirmed what NTM Mk Abuse Survivors have said all along: "Ethnos must stop protecting and enabling Child Predators".
As we highlight on the "Protecting NTM Elites" page, Ethnos has refused to do anything about some members in the not-so-distant past who have publicly "admitted" to sexual abuse of children.
This (overdue) abuser database by SBC is just the latest example of why "Trust Us" coming from compromised Ethnos Leadership (who are hiding Abuse Cover-ups) is no longer going to be accepted!
The documentation posted on this website is the result of literally thousands of hours of careful research.
Ethnos HQ has not made it easy to discover these Truths. Now you know why.
We researchers painstakingly sorted thru the 'noise' of what is published in the public domain in order to find legitimate hidden facts that could be cross-checked and authenticated in an attempt to determine the (very sad) truth of what the NTM/Ethnos360 Executives have actually done.
Unfortunately, we soon discovered that persons who rely upon what Ethnos publishes are often completely misinformed by an extremely efficient propaganda machine in Sanford that is geared towards making certain that members are thoroughly convinced that what leadership tells them is the "Gospel Truth", often with no supporting documentation provided.
If you are a Truth-seeker, the best advice we can offer is to patiently go thru this website page by page with an open mind, and using discernment. By the end, you will have a very clear picture of why it is we and so many others are trying to sound the alarm. We are trying to save the Mission from eventual destruction by its own Rogue Leadership.
For decades, victims were ignored.
In 2008 the new NTM CEO Larry Brown and his Exec Board promised to end the Cover-ups by their predecessors.
Instead, they "conspired" to protect the corporation, and IHART became the convenient tool to delay and then prevent justice. Let NTM Abuse Survivors tell you.
The volume of what Ethnos 360 has published over the years that uses carefully-crafted Partial Truths to mislead the readers into reaching conclusions that simply are not true is... Breathtaking!
See 'The IHART Deception' and pg 3-7 of the 'Ethnos360 and Child Safety' (historical fiction?) Publication and compare the Facts to the Narrative.
First NTM said IHART was independent and they had no control over the investigations. That falsehood was exposed in 2014 when NTM fired the 'independent' director! Then they brought in NTM's long time "fixer" Atty Theresa Sidebotham who announced that IHART was actually "a process"... 12 years from inception, Abuse Victims are still waiting for "reports".
During our investigation we were asked why we are calling out Ethnos Leaders with words like corporate malfeasance? "What does that even mean? We think of ourselves as the NTM Family not a corporation". The fact is, Leadership exploits the "NTM Family" concept to hide some very ungodly things they are doing.
To understand the enormity of the corruption at the Executive Level of Ethnos360, it is necessary to connect 1000 (seemingly) random dots that in fact are not random at all. Ethnos has gone to very great lengths to prevent members and supporters from discovering their deceptions. Thank you, whistle-blowers!!
The Sunlight of Truth is the ultimate disinfectant.
Silence is not golden. A pattern of altering or hiding evidence against child abusers is gross malfeasance and potentially criminal. Some E360 Leaders have done evil things to protect the reputation of a 'mission'. Shielding pedophiles is not ok!
One by one... Examine what Exec Leaders told us compared to what they actually did in secret. Even the ones who merely remained silent are 'complicit' in the deceptions.
From the CEO on down, every member of the 'modern era' NTM/E360 Exec Board since 2006 is facing an accounting - from the outside!
As word of this website began to spread despite the intense efforts by Sanford HQ to suppress it, our posts about "Quiet Leavers" struck a nerve with an entirely different group of Ethnos360 Members. The Ethnos Truth Project began to hear from "Quiet Remainers". Those are Ethnos Missionaries who have seen the problems we are highlighting, but they chose to stay.
Many former NTM/Ethnos families discovered the truth about HQ and confronted leadership "biblically" as scripture commands, only to be marginalized by men who do not 'live' what they 'preach' and so you felt you had no choice except to 'quietly leave 'for the sake of "unity". You were not alone challenging wrong-doing like HQ tried to convince you.
Silence is complicity with the men who are enabling Child Predators as a consequence of trying to protect the reputation of a corporation with no thought of the lives they are destroying in the process. If you have information about things you know leadership has covered up or refused to take action on which bother your conscience, please do the right thing and let us know.
Truth is the standard. Anything less becomes a lie.
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