As you will discover throughout this website, Ethnos360 Executive Leadership does not always follow their own Policy Manual as it is published. From Punishments for Sexual Abuse, to violations of the Non-Retaliation policy, Ethnos Leadership is completely unaccountable to Mission Members and in some instances, Judges and Courts.
Ethnos, by what criteria were an "affair" with a Teenager by the wife of a Field Chairman and even a case of "incest" which was admitted to and verified by the victim, not found to be Sexual Abuse as the Ethnos Policy Manual defines it?
Survivors view this as being typical Double Standards by Executive Leaders.
We and many observers would also like to know the truth about the obvious pattern of "selective enforcement" of violations of your Child Safety Policy as evidenced by the two cases we will highlight below (and there are many others ETP will cite if it becomes necessar ).
We researchers cannot find any explanation for these contradictory facts except "favoritism and corruption". We completely reject the obviously false Historical Narratives regarding Child Abuse which Ethnos publishes as though they are "Gospel"!
It is foolish to blindly dismiss the multitude of specific public accusations of Double Standards lodged against Ethnos360 Executive Leadership without examining all of the documentation and evidence available, including from IHART itself, which is hardly a bastion of completeness.
It is undeniable that Current Ethnos360 Executives have published many things that are completely contradictory to the evidence put forth by Survivors and even (inadvertently?) as a result of their own IHART investigations.
Ethnos publishes blanket denials of wrongdoing without posting any legitimate proof.
We are finally going to force their hand on the “Prove It” part.
Since we know from witnesses and the public document trail that CEO Brown and other of NTM's Leaders were desperate to keep Members from even reading G.R.A.C.E. and certainly not reading any of the 30,411 posts on the Fanda Eagles Survivor Forums, we have published G.R.A.C.E. 2010 in its entirety along with screenshots and facts gleaned from Fanda Eagles and other public forums. There should be no doubt in an honest person's mind that Ethnos Leadership needs to be put under oath and questioned about their individual knowledge and involvement in Cover-ups of Child Abuse and other potential crimes.
Until the "Gatekeepers" at HQ are all removed from power so that deeper examinations of whatever corporate records which are not already "sanitized" by then can be analyzed, it will be impossible to know the full extent of the ungodly actions of NTM/Ethnos360 Mission Leadership.
Despite a few close calls during the Jane Doe Lawsuits from 2011 - 2015 when NTM repeatedly refused to turn over internal documents as ordered by the Courts, Ethnos has never been subjected to “Legal Discovery”.
Based upon what is known, it does not require any imagination to see why Larry Brown will fight tooth and nail to prevent actual accountability from himself or other men who are his Co-conspirators in these Cover-ups..
Below are examples of Double-Standard secrets which were outlined in the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report or were readily available on Abuse Survivor Forums but which Ethnos360's Leadership found it necessary to hide from Mission Members and Supporters over the years.
G.R.A.C.E in 2010 is the only independent Child Abuse Investigation NTM ever had conducted.
NTM could not risk losing control of the information flow so they devised an ingenious plan to create "IHART" which was secretly controlled by NTM's Executives from the beginning in 2011!
We have numerous reasons to "suspect" that a forensic exam of the effort to discredit the 2010 G.R.A.C.E. Report would reveal fingerprints belonging to Attorney Theresa Sidebotham and various NTM Executives who try to deny their past relationship with Attorney Sidebotham, even though it is documented.
Ethnos shielded Abuser Gary Earl for 7 years until they finally quietly forced him to leave after another (umpublished) Pii Investigation which Members and even some of his victims never found out about. Accusations abound that Ethnos knows of many potential Sex Abuse Survivors who never knew they were not the only victim because Ethnos has sought to cover up the number of Abusers never mind the extent of the Child Abuse within NTM.
Several purported witnesses report that a current female Ethnos360 Member has openly confessed to past acts of incest against a young male family member years ago. When they could not withstand pressure, by 2013 NTM sent Brian Coombs to investigate. What "did not" happen afterwards is very controversial. Unfortunately, unless secret wrongdoing by Leadership is squarely confronted it will never stop.
As further confirmation, the male victim has confirmed that Faye 'did' molest him when he was a child.
So, to recap, the Abuser and the Victim both agree the Sex Abuse occurred, NTM knows it occurred, members of the public know it occurred and yet Mission Leadership pretends that it was a private matter and there were no consequences and apparently not even any safeguards put in place?
Mr Coombs... Did you meet with Faye Butler and her sending church pastor in 2013 as is alleged?
If you did investigate, exactly how did you and presumably the Mission Board determine that this particular "Historical Incest" qualified for some kind of "look-away" on the part of the NTM Executive Board which allowed NTM to ignore their own Child Abuse Policies and the confession by Faye as well as the alleged confirmation by the Victim?
Ethnos has such a credibility problem in the real world that this sort of thing really doesn't look very good.
Evidence in the public record indicates that Faye Butler and Donna Beach have committed acts prohibited by the Ethnos360 Child Protection Policies, yet they were protected by Ethnos and allowed to remain Members In Good Standing?
Something does not add up here. Members and Abuse Survivors deserve a valid explanation instead of double-speak and 'equivocation' coming from Scandal Spokesman Brian Coombs on behalf of CEO Larry Brown!
Other examples of high-level cover-ups exist... We are just getting started on what needs to be exposed at Ethnos360!
In our view it is far better to get everything out on the table and then deal with it transparently in order to avoid exactly the problems the mission is facing now. Covering up the extent of Child Abuse while you convince everyone it is being handled in a Godly manner immediately leads to more problems.
Each layer of dishonesty by Leadership has to be covered by another dishonest action to avoid admitting the entire narrative is false. Eventually the lies become so routine that Leadership actually believes their own propaganda, and worse, Leaders begin to justify other violations of ethics or laws as being "necessary".
Without proper oversight and accountability, little by little, what started out as 'damage control' morphs into full blown corruption to the point that investigators have to put together an entire website to try to explain how each of the various types of wrongdoing relate to the others.
It is not a good sign when there are so many serious violations that they have to be prioritized to determine which ones are the most egregious. That is where we are at present.
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