TO BE CRYSTAL CLEAR... Our concern with ETHNOS360 is 'not' the Members themselves, it is the (secretly) dishonest LEADERSHIP.
Present day ETHNOS360 is simply NTM 2.0 ruled by the same small group of men who have made certain that the original NTM 1.0 "Culture of Silence" lives on.
UPDATE - As of December 2024, Ethnos360 has declined to contact the Ethnos Truth Project to submit any request for clarification or retraction of any documentation on this website. INSTEAD, they have quietly modified some content on their own website, but we see there are mis-representations in some of those "modifications". This only reinforces our observations that Ethnos Leadership is often deceptive even when the Truth would serve them better.
The corporate structure (and legal status as a church) allows ETHNOS360 Leadership to lie with impunity about anything they choose, knowing that there is no mechanism for members and supporters to hold leadership accountable for any of their decisions. (Assuming the members find out in the first place).
ETP has many reasons to believe that "immunity from meaningful outside scrutiny" may be about to end for Leadership, who, as of May 2024, are 'themselves' under investigation , allegedly for "Failure To Report CSA".
Truth is truth. It does not matter who is asking the following questions, only that ETHNOS360 has either ignored them, or when that has failed, they have published misleading or even outright false answers. Until now, they have gotten away with it.
Here is the bottom line right from the beginning... There is ample documentation and public testimony (beginning at the 47 minute mark in this video link) that current ETHNOS360 Executives have been engaging in an ongoing conspiracy to cover-up, minimize and whitewash known cases of Child Sexual and Other Abuse in their mission in a misguided effort to shield the organization from civil and reputational liability. In the process, they have allowed known child predators to be free to re-offend, and they have intentionally misled members and supporters to hide the truth.
If ETHNOS360 Leadership refuses to directly and truthfully respond to these straightforward questions with legitimate proof instead of offering pious assurances and pointing to their previously published phony excuses, then we will all know that many of the serious allegations and accusations being publicly raised against them are being validated.
Before we ask the questions, here are some facts we are standing upon:
Fact 1 - Thousands of members and over 20,000 supporters of NTM/ETHNOS360 have been unwitting victims of a shockingly two-faced group of "Executive Leaders" whose zeal to protect the organization itself has led them to do or approve of a long list of very questionable, unethical and potentially criminal acts for many years.
Fact 2 - Just because as of 2024 there have not been public consequences for these secret acts does not mean the consequences are not coming. Consequences 'are' coming, either at the hand of earthly authorities or God who is not being fooled by outward appearances which are subject to manipulation.
Fact 3 - While every individual is responsible for their own actions, lying is morally wrong but generally not illegal. However, if a corporate executive lies by falsifying documents or destroying evidence he may face civil or even criminal penalties.
Fact 4 - Blindly denying and doubting that these serious allegations against this group of respected men are even 'possible' does not change the inconvenient facts that researchers have gathered from public sources.
Opinion 1 - We should judge an Executives' actions, not just their words. If we are wise, we will carefully EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE as opposed to ONLY BELIEVING WHAT WE WERE TOLD (but with no actual proof being provided).
Opinion 2 - Regardless of their social popularity, mission leaders who are caught in lies should be disqualified from serving in leadership positions. Based upon the evidence, all of the men in ETHNOS360's power structure need to be questioned under oath regarding what has gone on during their tenure.
Opinion 3 - If a member of ETHNOS360 has knowledge of serious wrongdoing by someone in leadership but they willingly look the other way in the mistaken belief that "unity" is to be valued above "truth" then that member is 'also' responsible for contributing to this leadership scandal. Silence is not necessarily a virtue and neither is failure to confront obvious sin, especially by those who are the public face of the mission..
Finally - Concealing or destroying evidence of Child Abuse may be criminal. Don't do it, and do not protect someone who is/has done so, regardless of their prominent position within the organization. DO NOT ASSUME YOU WILL NOT BE CAUGHT. SOME OF YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN (CAUGHT), YOU JUST DO NOT KNOW IT YET. (We are not playing games here. Based upon evidence we have seen, we suggest that several men need to resign your positions and seek outside legal counsel immediately. This investigation is not going away and your own actions good or bad speak volumes about your character)
Contrary to their website, ETHNOS leadership simply does not adhere to many of the biblical principles they preach. ETHNOS HQ has been accustomed to being able to unilaterally control the information flowing out to their members who seldom have access to the truth that their leadership has carefully hidden from them.
Our research into EHNOS360's EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP, specifically since 2007 under CEO LARRY BROWN, has raised some very serious questions on a wide variety of major topics, some of which are briefly touched on below. You will notice that there is an unmistakable pattern of deceptive behavior at the corporate level which is very disturbing coming from what is self-proclaimed to be an upright and God-honoring mission organization.
There should not be the "appearance of evil" let alone the "actual evil" which we have uncovered. Leadership created these questions, we are merely the ones who put them in some semblance of order.
At the end of the list, ask yourself, WHY would leadership create so many doubts?
Background - Several hundred NTM child abuse survivors have consistently disputed the information regarding historical child sexual and other abuse under NTM that is published by the "new" ETHNOS360 which drastically understates the extent of the abuse within NTM.
Publicly available documentation supports the Survivors claims and casts doubt on the truthfulness of ETHNOS360 on this entire subject.
Our investigation into ETHNOS360 Executive Leadership has revealed that almost every one of the serious allegations of wrongdoing being raised against ETHNOS360 can be traced back to very bad decisions made by mission leaders around the 2010 time-frame after they could no longer hold off the flood of claims by NTM MK's who were accusing NTM personnel of Child Sexual and other Abuse (primarily) at MK Boarding Schools during the 60's thru the 90's, but prior mission leadership had mostly refused to take any meaningful action.
Below are just a few of the questions that ETHNOS360 Exec Leadership has never been forced to answer completely, let alone under oath after being confronted with documentation. There are many direct questions which ETHNOS has flatly refused to answer which has only served to increase the suspicions that there are a lot of skeletons locked away in the closets at Sanford.
There are numerous allegations posted on social media over the years that around the time of the GRACE Senegal Report in 2010, that NTM Executives in Florida were made aware of potential claims of child abuse that had occurred at various NTM USA Training Facilities, but those allegations have never been acknowledged. Those posters claim they too were stonewalled and told that IHART would eventually investigate every claim.
MAY 2024 UPDATE TO THE UPDATE BELOW - Ethnos Truth Project has been contacted by Law Enforcement (LE) who are conducting Criminal Investigations into Alleged Child Abuse within E360 USA. New evidence is being developed that various E360 Leaders "may have" failed to act upon information they allegedly received that would have required "Mandatory Reporting" obligations. ETP is cooperating fully with Investigator requests for any evidence or information that helps LE determine if there are additional CSA cases that E360 Leaders may have known about, but are alleged to have covered-up. ETP can say that we 'have' received anonymous allegations of multiple such cases, and all of them have alleged that "Leaders failed to act". ETP DOES NOT DETERMINE GUILT IN ANY SUCH MATTERS. READERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE!
UPDATE - Recently in November of 2023 the IHART "World Historical Investigation" was published which states that it also covers Historical Abuse in the USA. ETP refers the readers to pages 67 and 68 of the Summary Document linked here in order to note that there are only 'TWO' cases cited for the USA. Contrast those findings to the following information in the next paragraph and ask yourselves "which seems most likely"?
ETP was contacted by a previously unknown NTM whistle-blower who claimed to be preparing to go public, alleging they "have personal knowledge of dozens of NTM USA-based MK child abuse victims" who have refused to come forward or participate in the "IHART process" because of the fear of retaliation and ridicule for speaking out against powerful ETHNOS360 Leadership.
Ethnos Truth Project wishes to clarify that our research supports the concept that there are in fact a significant number of NTM USA Child Abuse Survivors whose stories have never been investigated. IHART themselves cast doubt on their ability to identify cases due in part to a widespread distrust by Abuse Survivors. With the information that is available, ETP is directly and publicly challenging Ethnos to answer (with proof) the following basic questions related to this topic;
ETHNOS360's website deceptively implies that Attorney Theresa Sidebotham only appeared on the scene in late 2014 "after providing limited assistance" with respect to the IHART investigations. This is a gross mis-representation of reality. ETHNOS and Attorney Sidebotham have gone to great lengths to obscure several important details which undermine their credibility.
It is widely alleged that in 2010 NTM had hired Ms Sidebotham to investigate some of the findings of the 2010 GRACE Report on Child Abuse that happened at an NTM Boarding School in Senegal Africa in an effort to discredit the (entire) GRACE Report which had been very embarrassing to NTM because it implicated leadership, family of leadership and NTM's Attorney Scott Ross in failures to act upon a significant portfolio of child abuse claims for many years.
Please answer the following questions ETHNOS...
After years of being stonewalled, three NTM Child Sexual Abuse Survivors filed lawsuits in 2011 and 2012 seeking compensation for the abuse that had allegedly happened to them at the hands of sexual predators employed by NTM. These cases filed in Seminole County FL were Jane Doe, Jane Doe 7 and Jane Doe 25. NTM hired several teams of attorneys to defend the corporation at an unknown but likely very high cost.
The public Court Records reveal that in all three cases, what NTM was saying publicly to mission members and supporters was the 'polar opposite' of what they were instructing their lawyers to do as they drug out the Jane Doe legal cases for years.
Numerous NTM/ETHNOS360 personnel are named in at least one of the Complaints as having personal knowledge of information or documentation which could support the claims of the plaintiffs, however, because when they could no longer delay justice, NTM chose to "confidentially settle" with the plaintiffs.
By settling these cases there were no adjudications or findings of facts ever made, which meant that NTM was never exposed to actual discovery which would have implicated leadership in, at the least, cover-ups and the hiding of evidence. (Complaints are sworn statements which are unsubstantiated until they can be proven. That does not mean, either, that they are false.)
Many of these same executives need to face serious questions such as:
It is a fact that numerous NTM personnel in past years have been dismissed from NTM by one means or another after having been found (or admitted) to be Child Sexual Predators upon not only MK's but innocent locals.
During our investigation of ETHNOS360 leadership, multiple whistle-blowers have technically violated their broad NDA's to describe a number of disturbing events they witnessed within NTM leadership over a span of several years which they claim fall outside the scope of what they were initially told their NDA's were needed for, namely to protect the personal privacy of child abuse victims and or accused perpetrators.
WE BELIEVE THAT SOME OF THE ACTIONS BY ETHNOS360 EXECUTIVES WHICH THEY DESCRIBED HAVING KNOWLEDGE OF ARE POTENTIALLY CRIMINAL, however, determining that will require investigation by proper State and Federal Authorities which we are not.
The above being said, below are some related observations and questions for ETHNOS360.
Brian Coombs has signed his name beneath a publication that is a completely dishonest re-writing of history as it pertains to their knowledge of and covering up of known cases of child sexual and other abuse and he has firmly resisted making factual corrections to the Child Safety publication even after he and CEO Larry Brown have been challenged multiple times to do so.
The executives know the actual truth is far worse than the heavily 'sanitized' version put out to members and supporters who do not have access to the truth and have relied upon leadership to be honest and forthright.
It is evident that ETHNOS360 Executives have taken very extensive measures to make certain that the entire truth about this subject is never discovered, because the embarrassing truth will expose what appears to be an ongoing criminal conspiracy among past and current executives at NTM/ETHNOS360 who first colluded and then conspired to do whatever was necessary to protect the NTM Corporation from civil liability that could potentially bankrupt the mission.
ETHNOS360 CEO Larry Brown and numerous other current E360 Leadership who were also Executives at NTM have "knowingly" concealed their actions which undermined and often completely sabotaged the legal claims from NTM MK Abuse Survivors. There has never been any accountability because there is no mechanism within the ETHNOS360 bylaws which would allow members to demand their leadership tell them the truth. There is a very good reason mission leadership have earned the title of "The Untouchables".
NTM/ETHNOS360 has sought to obscure the Truth about:
The Evangelical Counsel for Financial Accountability (ECFA) has recently admitted that they granted ETHNOS360 "Membership Accreditation" since 2018 despite the fact that the ETHNOS360 Bylaws 'prohibit' more than two Independent Board members while ECFA Standard 2 - Governance - specifies that all ECFA Members certify they are governed by a board where "more than half are independent". ETHNOS HAS A 10-MEMBER BOARD which would require 6 independent members not JUST two.
The fact that ECFA secretly granted ETHNOS360 "Accreditation" in violation of the ECFA's published 'standards' on good governance is a black mark on the reputation of ECFA which is, in practice, really nothing more than an (expensive) "membership club" for Christian Organizations.
Our primary concern is the brazen dishonesty of ETHNOS360 to "Certify" on the E360 Website that ETHNOS "adheres to ALL 7 ECFA Standards", when clearly that is an outright lie!
Setting aside for a minute the whole subject of sketchy ECFA "accreditation" and false assurances on the ETHNOS Website of meeting Standards, ten years ago, several hundred thousand dollars were raised by NTM in a series of donor appeals designated for "Typhoon Disaster Relief" (2013). NTM explicitly promised that all funds raised would be used for relief efforts directly undertaken by NTM, or some other relief organization if NTM was unable to deliver the aid directly. That promise was spectacularly broken.
In fact, over one year later, the 'majority' of the Typhoon Relief Fund donations were 'quietly' diverted to two local island municipalities to aid in the construction of public use runways. (There are sharply conflicting accounts of what happened in these cases, but the bottom line is that what transpired was not what was explicitly promised during the fundraising appeals.)
In response to criticism once the story became known, NTM issued a statement that they had received permission from donors to re-direct the disaster funds, BUT AS IS THEIR PRACTICE TO THIS DAY, NTM NEVER OFFERED ANY PROOF OR MEANINGFUL ACCOUNTING FOR THE FUNDS RAISED, NOR FOR THE ACTUAL EXPENDITURES.
Ten years later, in 2024, ETHNOS360's website continues to solicit "Disaster Relief" for the "Asia-Pacific Philippines" region under "Project PUS073" along with the same blanket statement that "Donations will be used to support any relief efforts directly undertaken by Ethnos360".
We have other reasons to suspect (because of their poor track record) this diversion of funds is not necessarily an isolated occurrence at ETHNOS which raises a very legitimate question:
Decades ago, after a series of kidnappings of NTM Personnel in different countries, NTM now ETHNOS360 had a legitimate need to develop a "Contingency Fund" to set aside a small percentage of support funds each missionary received so that should a crisis happen, there would be funds already set aside to meet the crisis. It was initially determined that this contingency deduction would be approximately 1.75% of any donations that were designated for each missionary.
Subsequently, once the rash of kidnappings subsided, NTM determined that it was necessary to continue deducting the same percentage in order to cover administrative expenses involved in mission HQ processing donations and forwarding those to the missionaries in each country as appropriate.
As part of our research into ETHNOS360's fundraising practices we inquired with some active members to verify the current percentage of the "administrative deduction" that is deducted from their gross donations. We were initially told by one that the percentage was 1.75% HOWEVER we were subsequently alerted that at some point the percentage has been raised to "above 3%".
Without direct knowledge, we do not know if this is an anomaly or if in fact the percentage has been raised across the board. What we do know is that ETHNOS360 is very non-transparent and they are not above "fudging" when it comes to representing something as fact vs what is the actual truth in practice.
The charity ratings agency Ministry Watch downgraded ETHNOS360 Inc. to a Transparency Rating of "C" partly over this re-classification issue. Ministry Watch points out that many recent scandals at large Christian organizations similar to ETHNOS360 can trace the beginnings of their eventual downfall to having re-classified themselves to the IRS as 'Churches' in order to hide their financial details.
Gaining Church status immediately offers a great deal of organizational privacy and exempts the organization from certain kinds of public disclosures such as FORM 990 which can be exploited by Executive Boards of such organizations to make it nearly impossible for even their own membership to monitor what the leadership is doing behind the scenes.
What actions by the Southern Baptist Convention triggered this DOJ investigation and why should it serve as a timely warning to ETHNOS360?
Simple. It came to the attention of the DOJ that the SBC Executive Committee for many years had been stonewalling child sex abuse survivors and covering up their abuse cases in order to protect the reputation of the SBC and the abusers.
To avoid open media scandals, the SBC regularly allowed the abusers to quietly relocate to other geographic areas without notifying anyone. In many cases the offenders had even admitted to sexual abuse but from a reputational point of view, the SBC kept everything as quiet as possible. Eventually it was discovered that the SBC Executive Committee had a secret file of more than 700 such abusers!
What did then Chairman Larry Brown and NTM's attorney Scott Ross know in May of 2008 that would cause them to file a new Corporate Article (Art XII) which has very curious wording regarding covering "key personnel" if they are implicated in "future proceedings" even thru potential criminality?
You can see the actual corporate document on the "Nostradamus Brown?" page under the "Documentation" menu, but these questions need to be asked and answered:
Two days after the TODAY SHOW aired, CEO Larry Brown sent a panicked letter to Pastors of supporting churches and instead of addressing the facts presented in the news story he professed heartbreak at (re)hearing the stories from the five NTM Abuse Survivors (the same women he had been stonewalling since 2008) and more urgently, he dishonestly cast doubt upon the accuracy of MSNBC's reporting.
CEO Brown's well used strategy of damage control worked. When challenged, they issue pious and tearful statements filled with misdirection and then hunker down at HQ until the storm passes.
By the time MSNBC aired a follow-up piece declaring "MSNBC stands by the accuracy of our reporting" (directly challenging Brown's false denials) Mr Brown had emailed mission members and issued a public profession of sadness on the ETHNOS360 website convincing nearly everyone that ETHNOS had done all it could to do the right thing, knowing the hapless Survivors had no effective platform to be heard.
With the above context here are several questions for ETHNOS360:
Anyone genuinely interested in learning the very ugly truth regarding the lack of character of numerous men who are current Leaders of Ethnos360 from the CEO on down, needs to see the documentation we have posted on the NTM Evidence Suppression page and then speak out to demand an outside criminal investigation be launched into what else has gone on in secret under Larry Brown since 2007.
Do we make such serious allegations against Mission Leadership without having seen overwhelming compelling evidence? No, we do not!
PS- for those many Mission Members who understandably will fear what might happen to their own "personal comfort zone"(of blissful ignorance) if this level of incriminating information against the Leadership of the Mission is made public, we urge them to consider if they want to remain silent and therefore choose to become 'complicit' by enabling those few men who are doing the evil Cover-ups?
Follow this link to the NTM Evidence Suppression page to learn more.
If the entire Executive Leadership Team were not the subject of this investigation, it would be easy for readers to copy and paste these questions into a PDF and email it to ETHNOS and request they respond to each question with a verifiably correct (non-evasive or incomplete) answer which you could compare to the documents and information on this website.
Our strong suggestion is that, after you see the list of questions, if you want to receive the most timely response from someone knowledgeable who is 'not' under any cloud of suspicion, we suggest that you follow the link below to the ETHNOS360 website and look up the USA Representatives and choose one or two to send a copy of these questions to and request a thorough response.
Copyright © 2023 - 2025 Cover-Ups of Cover-Ups ETHNOS360 LEADERSHIP SCANDAL- All Rights Reserved.