1) We want to put an end to the endless Cover-ups of Child Abuse and the Corporate Malfeasance by Ethnos Leadership that is happening daily without the knowledge of Members.
2) We believe that Ethnos360 Members and Supporters should be led by men of integrity instead of "two-faced deceivers", as are being exposed on this website.
1) Those are words that accurately describe "actions".
Men who lie are rightfully called "Liars".
Men who are deceptive are "Deceivers".
Men who conspire are labeled "Conspirators".
There is no unjustified "Name-Calling".
2) Men in positions of Mission Leadership who find it necessary to do things in secret do so because if they were Truthful and Transparent like they claim to be, they could not justify the decisions they made while protecting a Corporation instead of doing what Scripture commands.
1) Because Ethnos360 Leadership is 'fundamentally dishonest' regarding the true extent of Child Abuse within the Mission and the very unethical things they have resorted to in order to keep a lid on how they pulled off what we named "The IHART Deception".
2) To hide their deception, Ethnos Executive Leaders have widened the scope of their Lies-By-Omission to include more and more dishonesty at the Corporate Level.
3) As a result of #1-2 above, Ethnos Leadersh is still enabling Child Predators.
1) There are many persons who have contributed knowledge, documentation, and research in order to publish this website.
2) For issues involving provable facts and documentation which is available online, it is not necessary or even practical to name which of us may have located which document. (nobody should care)
3) The whistle-blowers featured on the "Recent Whistle-Blowing" page all clearly identify themselves by their real names.
1) Yes.
2) Multiple media publications have asked that one of us be available to sign affidavits that, to our knowledge, the documentation posted on the website is authentic. As of July 6, 2023 one of our truth project members, Dave Richardson, has become the website spokesperson.
3) Unlike Ethnos, we openly solicit corrections from anyone.
We will finally be able to sleep at night again knowing we did our part to protect innocent children from the reckless decisions of "Corporate Executives" who have demonstrated no concern for anyone who is destroyed by their zeal to protect an organization.
We were much happier before we stumbled into this terrible cesspool beneath Ethnos HQ.
Once you know, you know.
Not at all.
1) Public disclosure of sins by a small group of men at the top of a 3000-member Mission does not threaten the existence of the Mission itself.
2) True application of 1Tim 5 regarding exposing works of darkness as an example to others is a Scriptural Principle.
3) In the case of Ethnos Leadership, practical "Church Discipline" is long overdue. (recognizing that Churches do not investigate nor prosecute crimes, which is the job of governmental authorities)
1) Contrary to what Ethnos publishes, G.R.A.C.E. was the only "Independent Investigation" of NTM Child Abuse ever released.
2) IHART "investigations" have always been controlled and manipulated by the Mission Leadership. That is why IHART has had such a dismal participation rate. Abuse Survivors knew it was not legitimate.
That's what Ethnos Leadership wants everyone to believe.
The fact is that IHART "investigations" only covered a portion of the known Historical Child Abuse Cases. Survivors knew the system was rigged in favor of NTM over 10 years ago and many simply gave up, which was the outcome that NTM needed in order to avoid bankruptcy.
Truth is optional at Sanford HQ.
1) Current Leadership itself has done a lot to destroy the 'public reputation' of the Mission everywhere outside of the tightly censored "Ethnos Bubble".
2) Google search is sometimes your friend.
3) We are trying to 'save' Ethnos from eventual destruction by its own Failed Leadership who have created the currently on-going Hidden Scandals we are exposing here. New Cover-ups were necessary to prevent the Members from learning what really happened in HQ after the G.R.A.C.E. Report in 2010.
1) The 'Biblical Approach' towards "fallen Christian Brothers in Leadership" has been mis)applied to this situation for years, but Leadership refuses to truly listen, let alone correct their behavior.
2) Contrary to Mission Dogma, Corporate Mission Entities (and their officers) do not have any sort of "Biblical Immunity" from facing public challenges to their sins and the consequences, including criminal charges, if those are appropriate.
3) See Article XII "Indemnity" Larry Brown filed in 2008
1) In our view, men Conspiring to cover up Child Abuse Cases are not “Godly Men”.
2) Any (supposed) Leader who allows known Child Predators to roam freely in society, is an “Enabler” and must be called out as "Complicit”.
3) You will notice we said "known” Predators and not solely "convicted” Predators. Both are an abomination, as are their “Enablers" regardless of any excuses the Enablers offer.
1) Larry Brown's long history of lying and secret wrongdoing is attacking him.
2) We are merely pointing out that Larry Brown is the CEO of a very large Corporate Entity which is doing unethical and possibly even illegal things.
3) The CEO is ultimately responsible. Larry Brown has a lot of Corporate Malfeasance to answer for, hopefully (finally) under oath.
1) Silence is not a virtue if it enables wrongdoing.
2) 'Every' man who has served on the Executive Board under CEO Brown has Fiduciary and Legal Obligations, even if they are not fully cognizant of those.
3) Not 'one' of these men has ever publicly spoken out about things which they know are unethical (or perhaps illegal).
Yes, we and others we are in contact with have abundant and legally sufficient proof to make allegations of wrongdoing.
1) We do not make allegations for which we cannot provide a "reasonable basis" to support.
2) We sincerely solicit corrections or additional offsetting documentation from anyon
3) We also do not divulge all of the proof we have, in case we have to play hardball later. (Sometimes arrogant people in powerful positions who believe they are untouchable are actually slow learners)
1) "Accusing" and "proving" are two different concepts.
2) Legal "discovery" is the thing Ethnos fears most. The Mission has always settled at the last minute to avoid having to turn over embarrassing internal documents.
3) In our case, there is nothing to "confidentially settle" and our silence is not for sale.
4) The affirmative defenses against such claims are Truth, and lots of supporting documentation. Why not demand Ethnos prove the issues we raise on the Uncomfortable Questions page?
1) The Abuse Survivors patiently trusted 'Godly Leadership' for years, but those same Leaders eventually double-crossed Mk's by tossing them under the NTM Bus as they drove away.
2) NTM, and then later Ethnos, had benefit of millions of unaccounted-for dollars to buy lawyers, 'Confidential Silence', and then the ability to control the entire false narrative about IHART that went out to the public. Survivors had the Fanda Eagles on-line forum, but no advocates besides themselves as a group.
We are not here to litigate old Child Abuse Cases. We are going after what appears to be 'ongoing' widespread systemic Corporate Malfeasance at the top of Ethnos360. Men whose highest priority is to protect the Corporation itself have become two-faced liars in the process. Look at the evidence before you blindly reject the sad reality.
No. That is what started this investigation, but it did not take long before we discovered that men who would lie about caring for Abuse Survivors while secretly conspiring to sabotage the "investigations" are men who are quite capable of telling other lies as long as it is done in the name of "protecting God's work".
Because we have evidence and first-hand testimony of what they have done when they thought no-one would ever spill the beans!
News Flash Ethnos - NDA's do not scare people who have had "Insurance Policies" stashed away for such a time as this. More unpleasant exposure is coming if you issue false denials like what happened after the 2019 Today Show.
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